
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Relaxing-Tropical-Piano-Utopian Sounds-Motional

Census begin Zipolite damage. MAY 5TH, 2015 DELFO MUNICIPALITIES

Census begin Zipolite damage.

Zipolite, Oax.- The State Government and municipal authorities launched yesterday, censuses for damage caused by the natural phenomenon swell that hit beach destinations of Puerto Angel and Zipolite.
The Ministry of Tourism and Economic Development (STyDE) State Coordination of Civil Protection and the municipal government brigades deployed to conduct the census of damage, "we have 48 hours to quantify the damage caused by the swell, the questionnaires were applied every house and business to business, "said Raymundo Carmona Laredo, the mayor.
Accompanied by Javier Portillo and Hamlet Torija Morales Vergara, Undersecretary of Tourism and Civil Protection State delegate, respectively, the mayor began a tour and meetings with those affected by the natural phenomenon.
The first meeting was held in the municipal agency of Puerto Angel, there inhabitants, tourism service providers and coastal fishermen, led by the municipal agent Avelino Salinas Silva, presented the damages and losses, among others, appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, palapas, Ramadas, unofficially, some fishermen said that there are at least three or four boats that capsized on the main beach providing shelter.
Similarly, public officials, accompanied by the municipal agent Antonio Rodriguez Jarquín, conducted a tour of the beach of Zipolite, those affected sought expedited munícipe intervention, "represéntenos to the government, Mr. President, no, we fool as when Hurricane Carlotta passed in June 2012, to tell us if we are going to support and how, last Carlotta was pure deception ", they expressed upset some restaurateurs, including Marcelo, owner of the restaurant The Alchemist.
The mayor said that after obtaining the Census damage, proceed to seek some government programs that support be channeled, stressing to people affected, "we must be clear, I am informed that the Fonden does not apply to events Mar Fund is to phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, but not in this kind of natural phenomenon, so let's argue well with the government so that we can access some official program, "Carmona Laredo exalted.
For his part, Javier Portillo stressed that contributes STyDE and will be present until culminating tasks census, regarding complaints from service providers who qualified as a hoax government support to cover costs arising from the impact of Hurricane Carlotta He said "I am not aware of what happened in 2012, of course you are going to report their complaints, there must be names of those who were responsible for the program after the impact of Carlotta," the government's deputy tourism State.

Census begin Zipolite damage.

Census begin Zipolite damage.

Zipolite, Oax.- The State Government and municipal authorities launched yesterday, censuses for damage caused by the natural phenomenon swell that hit beach destinations of Puerto Angel and Zipolite.
The Ministry of Tourism and Economic Development (STyDE) State Coordination of Civil Protection and the municipal government brigades deployed to conduct the census of damage, "we have 48 hours to quantify the damage caused by the swell, the questionnaires were applied every house and business to business, "said Raymundo Carmona Laredo, the mayor.
Accompanied by Javier Portillo and Hamlet Torija Morales Vergara, Undersecretary of Tourism and Civil Protection State delegate, respectively, the mayor began a tour and meetings with those affected by the natural phenomenon.
The first meeting was held in the municipal agency of Puerto Angel, there inhabitants, tourism service providers and coastal fishermen, led by the municipal agent Avelino Salinas Silva, presented the damages and losses, among others, appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, palapas, Ramadas, unofficially, some fishermen said that there are at least three or four boats that capsized on the main beach providing shelter.
Similarly, public officials, accompanied by the municipal agent Antonio Rodriguez Jarquín, conducted a tour of the beach of Zipolite, those affected sought expedited munícipe intervention, "represéntenos to the government, Mr. President, no, we fool as when Hurricane Carlotta passed in June 2012, to tell us if we are going to support and how, last Carlotta was pure deception ", they expressed upset some restaurateurs, including Marcelo, owner of the restaurant The Alchemist.
The mayor said that after obtaining the Census damage, proceed to seek some government programs that support be channeled, stressing to people affected, "we must be clear, I am informed that the Fonden does not apply to events Mar Fund is to phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, but not in this kind of natural phenomenon, so let's argue well with the government so that we can access some official program, "Carmona Laredo exalted.
For his part, Javier Portillo stressed that contributes STyDE and will be present until culminating tasks census, regarding complaints from service providers who qualified as a hoax government support to cover costs arising from the impact of Hurricane Carlotta He said "I am not aware of what happened in 2012, of course you are going to report their complaints, there must be names of those who were responsible for the program after the impact of Carlotta," the government's deputy tourism State.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Puerto ángel Oaxaca

Six Men For Breakfast- Forever 21/ Live / Oaxaca & Cuernavaca Experience

Permanece alertamiento en costas de Oaxaca por evento de mar de fondo La Onda Oaxaca La Onda Oaxaca

Zipolite (Playa de los muertos) Mexico novembre 1988


Zipolite (Playa de los muertos) Mexico
novembre 1988
Ero immerso nell’acqua bassa cercando di evitare la forte corrente che spesso, creando vortici improvvisi, cambiava direzione. Dalla mia posizione con lo sguardo potevo abbracciare tutta la baia, 1500 metri di costa incontaminata. La playa de los muertos, che sulla mappa corrisponde al nome di Zipolite, è situata sulle sponde del pacifico nello stato di Oaxaca, a circa 60 kilometri a sud di Puerto Escondito. Sembra che in epoca precolombiana siano stati gli Zapotechi a tributargli un tale appellativo, forse per i riti sacrificali, oppure per le vite prese dal mare che, a quelle latitudini, riversa perennemente le sue formidabili onde. La spiaggia era deserta, il caldo intenso ma secco scoraggiava i pochi turisti che quasi certamente preferivano rilassarsi all’ombra delle palapas. Non ero
solo, alle mie spalle, oltre il punto di rottura delle onde, scorsi il viso di una ragazza di colore. Non potevo credere che fosse tanto abile da sfidare un mare così impetuoso, di sicuro aveva perso il contatto con la riva per la spinta della risacca che la stava portando sempre più al largo. Tornare indietro per chiedere aiuto era da escludere, non
c’era tempo da perdere e, nonostante la paura che mi montava nel petto, senza pensarci troppo mi lanciai in suo aiuto. La trovai sotto shock, occhi sbarrati, muta e rigida in un stato di paralisi motoria. Le agguantai un braccio e provai a trascinarla verso la spiaggia. Per quanto mi impegnassi non facevamo nessun progresso, la corrente ci risucchiava ogni volta e ci sballottava come tappi di sughero. Non ricordo per quanto tempo restammo in balia delle onde, ma di sicuro non possedevo più energia in quella lotta disperata tra la vita e la morte. Ero stremato, vedevo le capanne sempre più lontane, come macchie indistinte. Inaspettatamente cominciai a ridere con gusto, la mancanza di ossigeno mi aveva scatenato uno stato di euforia, cominciavo a sconnettere.                                                       Negli ultimi istanti di lucidità, con le residue forze a disposizione, sollevai il corpo della ragazza nell’onda che sopraggiungeva e lasciai che se la prendesse. La vidi emergere nella
spuma una ventina di metri davanti e, senza la sua zavorra, potei riprendere fiato. Ripetei l’operazione con sempre più precisione e dopo una serie infinita di tentativi approdammo sulla battigia.
Quella stessa sera accanto al fuoco dove con alcuni amici stavo arrostendo un pargo, la vidi spuntare dalla penombra e dirigersi verso di me. Si inginocchio al mio fianco e mi baciò sulla guancia. Poi, prima di ritornare da dove era venuta, mi prese la mano e vi depose un
piccolo oggetto. Qualche giorno prima, durante una sfida di pallavolo contro una selezione di locali, avevo smarrito un crocifisso di corallo che portavo legato al collo. Potete immaginare quindi la mia sorpresa, quando constatai che nel palmo della mano riluceva un crocifisso identico a quello che avevo perduto nella sabbia della playa de los muertos.

Mar De Fondo Zipolite...3 de mayo Vicente Octavio Aragon Canseco Vicente Octavio Aragon Canseco

Mar De Fondo Zipolite...3 de mayo

AC-DC - Greatest Hits 2014 By manuelorillo

Puerto Escondido surf swell, May 3, 2015