
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

ATTENTION!!!💥 Strength and conditioning classes, Boxing Style. Get fit fast with high intensity, boxing style workouts, targeting each muscle group, incorporating plenty of cardiovascular exercise, improving hand-eye coordination, building mental and physical strength, stamina and overall better control of your own body. There are very few things in this life that we control, but our health is one that we do. No matter your gender or fitness level, join the team, come have some fun, and help each other to be better than we were yesterday. Place: 🎪 La galera Zipolite Time: Monay, Wednesday, Friday at 8:00 to 9:30 am Price: 100 pesos/ ask for locals price Ages 14 and up. No experience needed. 🥊 Javier 9581367311

ATENCIÓN!!! 💥 Clases de fuerza y ​​acondicionamiento, Boxing Style. Ponte en forma rápidamente con entrenamientos de estilo boxístico de alta intensidad, enfocados en cada grupo muscular, incorporando mucho ejercicio cardiovascular, mejorando la coordinación mano-ojo, desarrollando fuerza mental y física, resistencia y, en general, un mejor control de tu propio cuerpo. Hay muy pocas cosas en esta vida que controlamos, pero nuestra salud es una que hacemos. No importa tu género o nivel de condición física, únete al equipo, ven a divertirte y ayúdanos unos a otros a ser mejores de lo que éramos ayer.
🎪 La galera Zircolite
Hora: Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes de 8:00 a 9:30 am
Precio: 100 pesos/preguntar por el costo para locales
A partir de 14 años.
Todos los niveles
🥊 Javier 9581367311

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