
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Here We Come A-Wassailing (Reincarnated)

Playa Zipolite sunrise

Published on Dec 22, 2012
A beautiful sunrise on the beach of Zipolite in Mexico

Babel Cafè - 3º Aniversario December 23 at 8:05am in UTC-06 Calle Principal - Entrada Roca Blanca - Zipolite, 70904



Survived the Mayan apocalypse? Here come the Radish People

Survived the Mayan apocalypse? Here come the Radish People

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Michael Benanav/NPR

While the rest of the world was in a tizzy over the Mayan apocalypse that wasn't, the residents of Oaxaca, Mexico, were busy preparing for the very real Coming of the Radish People.
This Sunday, they will descend upon Oaxaca's zocalo, or main plaza: giant root vegetables carved into human figures and other vivid forms.
Don't panic. This isn't some revenge-of-the-radish scenario. It's a sculpture contest. La Noche de Rabanos – Night of the Radishes – is a Christmastime Oaxaca tradition that marks its 115th anniversary this year.
Every year on Dec. 23, artisans from around the region show up early in the morning to set up stalls in the plaza and put the finishing touches on elaborate sculptures carved from radishes — not the petite, round ones we're used to in this country, but big, heavy radishes — some as big as 6 pounds and 20 inches long. More than 100 people havesigned up to compete in various categories in this year's contest, according to the Mexican daily El Universal. They'll be working with some 10 tons of raw material.
"It's sort of the spirit of the 4-H fair. You know, who has the biggest pumpkin or the biggest pig," says Tanya Kerssen, a researcher with Food First who has led food heritage tours of Oaxaca.
Given the timing, a lot of the sculptures are religiously themed: You'll find plenty of nacimientos, elaborate manger scenes depicting the birth of Jesus — a popular tradition in Latin America.
But there are also some distinctly secular visions. (Hmm ... Is that you, Mr. Bill?)
So how did carving up an edible root native to China become a beloved Oaxaca tradition?
"The whole thing began with the Spanish, mostly the priests," says Iliana de la Vega, the chef-owner of San Antonio'sEl Naranjo Restaurant, who has deep family ties to Oaxaca and has documented Mexican foodways.
When Spanish missionaries arrived in Oaxaca in the 16th century, they were recruiting converts not just to Christianity but also to the crops they'd brought along — including radishes, de la Vega says. As lore has it, the indigenous locals already had a pretty strong wood-carving tradition, so the Spanish said, hey, why not carve these radishes?
Eventually, the story goes, ravishing radish displays became a common marketing ploy — a way for farmers to catch the eyes of shoppers browsing stalls at the market in the town plaza. Oaxaca's mayor formalized the exhibitions in 1897, and cash prizes followed.
These days, the Night of the Radishes is serious business. Contestants register months in advance, and local authorities oversee the growing and harvesting of the radishes to make sure no one gets an unfair advantage. And there's serious money at stake: Last year's winner reportedly took home 15,000 pesos, or roughly U.S. $1,173 at the current exchange rate.
You might still fetch a little cash if yours loses — people like to buy them and take them home for holiday centerpieces.
Over the years, the event has become a major draw for tourists from around the world. When she was a little girl, de la Vega recalls, she and her family would run down to the market, check out the stalls and head back. "Now," she notes, "you've got to wait in long lines."
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Stilt Walking Lessons in Zipolite -Dec 11/2012

Peru's Alvaro Malpartida gets a slick backside barrel at Playa Zicatela, Puerto Escondido, Mexico. Video by Rodrigo Farias. An entry in the Ride of the Year category of the 2013 Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards. For more info see the event website at

Shared van from OAX to PE-how?

posts: 371
reviews: 14
 Shared van from OAX to PE-how? 
We are now set for March with plans to do the van drive from OAX to PE and then fly back. How does one get the van in OAX and what is fair price? The drive down to the ocean sounds very interesting (if you don't get sick!). Also my wife is a little worried about bano stops so has anyone just rented the whole van or done a taxi and what would that cost? Gracias
1 reply

posts: 1,415
reviews: 31
1. Re: Shared van from OAX to PE-how?
Destination Expert   What's this?
for Oaxaca
A pirvate van would cost about 5000 pesos, based on the last time I inquired about a year ago. The van services charge a couple of hundred pesos, more or less. There's one service on Arista 107, and another on Bustamente 622. There are a couple on Galeana, and another on La Noria. Most stop atPochutla from where you get a cab. All the van services offer rock bottom fair prices. An alternative to a private van through a tour company, would be to ask one of the van services with smaller vehicles for the minimum number of passengers it has to have before leaving and then pay that amount for your group. At least one on Galeana will do it that way, cheaper than a private tour company or regular van driver you otherwise find in the city. They usually stop once, unless of course there's illness. There is usually a pit stop in San José del Pacífico.
Alvin Starkman - Casa Machaya Oaxaca Bed & Breakfast

A Nice Place on the Beach

A Nice Place on the Beach

A Nice Place on the Beach