ACA Bike 2013
Posted by TC
79 cyclists participated in ACA Bike on November 29, a roll of 382 kilometers from Toluca to Acapulco. The group left at 5:00 from Zinacantepec by Toluca and arrived 20 hours later in Acapulco at 1:30.
He'd climb after climb on the road between Acapulco and Chilpancingo, the last leg of this adventure. For me it was the most demanding. In each quick and long, when I could finally rest, fall always saw the lights of a car very forward and very high. wey Ay, there is another climb!
Despite the darkness, deep valleys and mountains were visible, blurred by the lights and shadows of the road. The road is wide, smooth and in good condition, although some work continued on the road due to landslides caused by the hurricane of September 20.
In many ups I thought about giving up. A voice in my head said, "Stop, stop, you can not bitch.You climb only 10 minutes in the van and then maybe you can get down ... "
But too often reminded that every path must have an end, even the ACA Bike, and after walking all day rolling cycle, finally I spotted the lights of the port of Acapulco in front of me. I knew I had made the final stretch and was about to arrive.
Thanks to Dad Maurice and his family and companions who followed me in his car, giving me light and water in the most recent 110 km. The increases were not as steep, but we were all tired after running from 5:00 in the morning. (I sat in the shot at 5:30 for Ex Bedrock, Villada and Avenida Las Torres in Toluca.)
I came to the last house. I reached to the group: cyclists and cyclists alike Tronados (some already Chelita above). All the staff was very friendly and helpful. From there we shot the last 20 minutes by Maxitunel hell with his heat to the street that follows the beach with its bars, restaurants and clubs in Acapulco.
For me, the shot had three distinct parts: from Toluca to Iguala, Chilpancingo and Iguala of the last part I just described, the goal of Chilpancingo.
I liked the cold morning. Toluca to shed Tenango went compacted with all our lights and reflective vests at a controlled rate. He gave me plenty of time to warm up and wake up.
The sunrise came the first climb after the plaza in Tenango. And he could see that it would be a clear day, no clouds, lots of sun. And with the sun, the sharp chill of the morning was, but still it was very cold, especially in the break up Ixtapan de la Sal
I saw many cyclists friends down with smiles and lots of excitement on the long road to Ixtapan downs. We crossed without stopping until Ixtapan lake in Mogote in Guerrero. There I took off my jacket and pants. We took the photo of the whole group in front and had breakfast.
I went through here in many workouts. I knew that we expected: a decrease with many curves and great scenery and the biggest rise after the shot, about 30 miles to Taxco in the hot sun.
But the climb really was not that hard and the way I exceeded my buddies workouts, although in practice this increase cost us a lot of work and sometimes we won. I think this time most of the group came to Taxco rolling.
We ate and rested for the house and then crossed Taxco below the city center. We enjoyed a very long descent with sharp curves and a less steep slope to Iguala, where compaction and did another little break at about half an hour at about 1 pm.
After I almost Trone Iguala. The sun and the dust of the road hit me cannon. I could not go fast, and walked more slowly as a good sweat.
Sergio Salinas (Andrew's dad) suggested me to get in his car because we were far behind, and even though it was only 5 or 10 minutes helped me tremendously. We caught up with Andrew and got me. He and I rolled together until the last 30 miles in this part of 120 km between Iguala and Chilpancingo.
We talked for about two three or four hours (net not know), and this also helped me a lot. By talking to Andrew, I forgot the heat and tired body and again enjoyed the scenery. I remembered that I was cycling on Friday instead of chambear and was a nice day.
But as the rim Andrés bike 30 km from Chilpancingo struck, I decided I was going to come up with his dad for the last part of the way there. I knew there was a half-brutal rise and I needed a break. Was also aware that we were far behind and have to catch up with the others. Cyclists in two vans were up more at this point, and we cyclists warriors continued to rise until the break in the OXXO on arrival in the capital of Guerrero.
We left at about 7:30 (or another time? Tell me please, because I really do not remember), again all with white and red lights, and reflective jerseys in a well compacted group, through traffic road that crossed the city of Chilpancingo.
And from there I started the most challenging part for me. In half of the first climb I left the group and I was alone. Lights batteries ran out and they had to lose half blind. Just before my bike shed fuck in a hole or butt or something. I almost fell, the amphora and the lights were flying, and struck my tire.
I fixed the tire on the car, and when I got off and I was not sleepy. I felt good and decided pissed. Nothing could stop me finish this shot on my bike. Pedaled as hard as I could. At first I did not feel so tired. But I thought the 100 miles and about 5 hours until ...
On the morning after shot ate some good tacos al pastor, and then on Saturday we had a great day with friends at the beach, in a restaurant with excellent seafood (diver's), by the pool, and a meeting of the delivery of t and medals.
Thanks to the staff, especially Gustavo Javo and my sweeper, and those who helped me along the way with water, projection lights, rides and motivation. Thanks to friends and other cyclists with whom I spent this great adventure.
And most of all thanks to Gallo for organizing Bike ACA and for being a great leader and friend.
This was my experience. Please put your in the comments below, and if you have a long history, publish in this blog with pleasure.
Thanks to Marco Garcia and Luz Quiroz for corrections