
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Sunday, February 26, 2023

Hello community! 👋 Soon I have availability of some beautiful musical instruments.. 💫Hola comunidad ! 👋 Tengo disponibilidad de unos bellos instrumentos musicales.. 💫🎶

[English below]

Hola comunidad ! 👋
Tengo disponibilidad de unos bellos instrumentos musicales.. 💫🎶
Campanas de Angel o campanas tubulares:
Estos bellos tienen una frecuencia muy relajante. Ideal para tus meditaciones, holding space, Soundhealing y demás. ⭐️
Bombos Legüeros argentinos (flat / compacto):
Traigo desde Argentina estos típicos bombos Legüeros fabricados con madera, uniones de metal y piel de cabra. Son únicos... no se consiguen en ningún parte de mexico. Ya que son de un amigo luthier.
Ideal para las jams, para tus ceremonias, tus acompañamientos musicales.
Tienen un sonido más grave y también vienen con un sistema de cambio fácil del parche. Puede ser bombo, o redoblante para set de batería. 🥁
Handpan Amarel:
Dentro de las muchas marcas de handpan de America. En mi opinión es de las mejores en cuanto a ciudad y precio. Tienen precios standard de sus instrumentos, incluso más bajo que en Europa y eeuu.
Son de acero inoxidable, y tienen uno de los sustain más buenos del mercado.
Con tu compra tendrás un handpan nuevo, en la escala que gustes. Con su mochila, paño de microfiber y una clase gratis introductoria.
Solo para aclarar, yo soy embajador de ellos, y manejo los mismos precios.
Para encargar un handpan, tienes que pagar el 50% del precio estipulado, así podremos iniciarte su fabricación. Conmigo incluso no tienes que esperar tanto por tu instrumento. Generalmente tienes que esperar 2 meses para su fabricación. Conmigo solo unas semanas 🙂
Este instrumento es mágico, sirve para tu camino musical, jams, Soundhealing, terapéutico para tu cuerpo emocional. Y muchas cosas más!!!
Las campanas y los handpans son por encargue (tendre fisicos para que los veas), y los bombos tengo pocas unidades! Aparte el tuyo con un 50%.
David : +529841379126
Facebook: @lenguajenomada
Hello community! 👋 Soon I have availability of some beautiful musical instruments.. 💫🎶
Angel bells or tubular bells: These beautiful ones have a very relaxing frequency. Ideal for your meditations, holding space, Soundhealing and more. ⭐️
Argentine Legüeros Drums (flat / compact): I bring from Argentina these typical Legüero drums made of wood, metal joints and goatskin. They are unique... they are not available anywhere in Mexico. Since they are from a luthier friend. Ideal for jams, for your ceremonies, your musical accompaniments. They have a deeper sound and also come with an easy head change system. It can be bass drum, or snare for drum set. 🥁
🛸 Handpan Amarel: Among America's many handpan brands. In my opinion it is one of the best in terms of city and price. They have standard prices for their instruments, even lower than in Europe and the US. They are made of stainless steel, and have one of the best sustain on the market. With your purchase you will have a new handpan, in the scale you like. With your backpack, microfiber cloth and a free introductory class. Just to clarify, I am an ambassador for them, and I manage the same prices. To order a handpan, you have to pay 50% of the stipulated price, so we can start manufacturing it. With me you don't even have to wait that long for your instrument. Generally you have to wait 2 months for manufacturing. With me only a few weeks 🙂 This instrument is magical, it serves for your musical path, jams, Soundhealing, therapeutic for your emotional body. And much more!!!
The bells and handpans are by order (I will have physical ones for you to see), and I have few units for the bass drums! Save yours with 50%.
David : +529841379126
Facebook: @lenguajenomada

Good Sunday! Come eat pasta!!! Enjoy it with Parmesan and delicious sauces! Gun your dish to the size you want! 200gr Spaghetti $35 300gr Spaghetti $55 400gr Spaghetti $70 1/2 Kilo Soaguetti $80 Sauces from $30 without meat With meat $40 TODAY'S SAUCES: Homemade Chorizo Bolognese! Corn Cream! With butter and Parmesan! Olive and fine herbs! Stewed Mushroom in Cream! Accompany your pasta with a freshly made Empanada! Vegetarian, Vegan or with Meat! WE ARE IN FRONT OF THE ZIPOLITE CHAPEL!!! SECOND FLOOR! Open from 4 pm to 10 pm today! Come and meet us and in your purchase we give you a 2x1 coupon so that you can come during the week to enjoy a delicious dinner with whoever you want! Ask for info and location by whatsapp at: 55 40150234! We will wait for you!!!

Gauchito Empanadas Argentinas (El Gauchito Regio)

Buen Domingo!
Ven a Comer pasta!!!
Disfrutala Con parmesano y salsas riquisimas!
Arma tu platillo al tamaño que quieras!
200gr Spaguetti $35
300gr Spaguetti $55
400gr Spaguetti $70
1/2 Kilo Soaguetti $80
Salsas desde $30 sin carne
Con carne $40
Boloñesa de Chorizo casero!
Crema de Elote!
A la mantequilla y parmesano!
Oliva y hierbas finas!
Champiñon Estofado en Crema!
Acompaña tu pasta con una Empanada recièn hecha! Vegetariana, Vegana o con Carne!
Abierto de 4 pm a 10 pm hoy!
Ven a conocernos y en tu compra te regalamos un cupòn 2x1 para que vengas entre semana a diafrutar de
una rica cena con quien tu quieras!
Pide info y ubicaciòn por whatsapp
al : 55 40150234!
Te esperamos!!!

The Eye Huatulco March Issue is now online....

Oaxacan Birds: See you Wednesday!

See you Wednesday!