
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Global Tequila Shortage Is Looming

February 11, 2018

A Global Tequila Shortage Is Looming

High demand and low supply might make your next Margarita much more expensive.

The global tequila shortage is becoming more and more of a problem as the crop of agave dwindles and the popularity of tequila grows, especially in major cities around the world. Over the last two years, the demand for tequila and mezcal have grown, while the supply of mature agave has become scarce, triggering the shortage of the final product, tequila and mezcal, which is causing tequila prices to make a jump.

Yes, The Tequila Shortage Is Real

An agave plant takes seven years to grow and mature before it can be harvested and made into either tequila or mezcal (which both come from agave, but required a different processing). WHNT says that tequila and mezcal are in short supply because of the lack of mature agave currently being farmed in the proper climates. Tequila importers are in a panic because of the lack of product.
Tequila importer Jason Perez explains that demand is far exceeding the current supply.
“There wasn’t enough supply for demand. You have to grow it for seven years in order to come up with good tequila.”
Fellow importer Miguel Aranda says that at this time, suppliers are being forced to use immature leaves, creating an inferior product.
“They take the leaves, cut it, press it, and then after that, they cook it. Then the juices that come from there become tequila.”
Sanatorium (NYC) bar owner Albert Trummer says that the price of tequila and tequila cocktails has gone crazy.
“It will go tremendously high up in price. For a good margarita, it can go up to $50, $60 with any kind of shortage.”

What Is The Difference Between Tequila And Mezcal?

While tequila is the most popular agave drink in the United States and around the world, mezcal is gaining ground. But what is the difference between tequila and mezcalFood & Wine breaks down the ways that both tequila and mezcal are made from the agave plant. All tequilas are mezcals, but not all mezcals are tequilas, according to spirits writer John McEvoy.
“Tequila is a type of mezcal, much like how scotch and bourbon are types of whiskey. Mezcal is defined as any agave-based liquor. This includes tequila, which is made in specific regions of Mexico and must be made from only blue agave (agave tequilana).”
The two products are made in different regions but there is some overlap.
“Tequila is produced in five places: Michoacán, Guanajuato, Nayarit, Tamaulipas, and Jalisco, which is where the actual town of Tequila is located. Conversely, mezcal is produced in nine different areas of Mexico. The include Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Michoacán, Puebla, and Oaxaca.”
Tequila and mezcal are also distilled differently, with the agave being steamed for tequila and cooked inside earthen pits for mezcal. For this reason, mezcal has a smokier taste.

Over The Last Year, 15,000 Tequila Producing Blue Agave Plants Were Reported Stolen

Esquire says that the 18 million blue agaves planted in 2011 that are ready for harvest this year for the production of tequila are not nearly enough to meet the demand which is thought to be 42 million plants, and tequila producers in Jalisco are in a panic. According to the Tequila Regulatory Council, the popularity of tequila has doubled in a few short years, creating unique problems.
“Agave prices have risen six-fold—from 3.8 pesos per kilo to 22—over the past two years, while demand from the United States and Japan has skyrocketed.”
The United States is the consumer of 80 percent of the tequila produced for the world market, and theft of blue agave plants has become a serious problem also in Mexico, where 15,000 plants were reported stolen in the last year.

Festival Nudista Zipolite Oaxaca 2018. Por la libertad y el derecho a estar desnudos.

Festival Nudista Zipolite Oaxaca 2018. Por la libertad y el derecho a estar desnudos.

POR LA LIBERTAD Y EL DERECHO A ESTAR DESNUDOS PLAYA ZIPOLITE, OAXACA, MEXICO.   Lograr el equilibrio mágico perfecto entre las partes física y espiritual del ser...

Vuelos redondos+ 4 días, 3 noches en Zipolite de CDMX, GDL o MTY desde $2763 pesos Vuela a la Vida ¡¡Ofertooon!! Paquete por 4 días, 3 noches+ vuelos redondos en Zipolite. Sabemos que a muchos les gustan los lugares alternativos y bohemios, pero sobre todo autenticos. Si buscas algo con estas cualidades, tienes que ir. Para esta oferta encontramos buena disponibilidad, los vuelos son directos.

Vuelos redondos+ 4 días, 3 noches en Zipolite de CDMX, GDL o MTY desde $2763 pesos
¡¡Ofertooon!! Paquete por 4 días, 3 noches+ vuelos redondos en Zipolite. Sabemos que a muchos les gustan los lugares alternativos y bohemios, pero sobre todo autenticos. Si buscas algo con estas cualidades, tienes que ir. Para esta oferta encontramos buena disponibilidad, los vuelos son directos.

Mexico Olympics team small but distinctive All are skiers and they'll don Day of the Dead ski suits for their events

Mexico Olympics team small but distinctive

All are skiers and they'll don Day of the Dead ski suits for their events

The 2018 Olympic Winter Games kicked off yesterday in PyeongChang, South Korea, where a small but instantly recognizable Mexican delegation of four were ready and eager to compete.
Despite a dearth of ski hills in Mexico — there is only one ski resort, located in Coahuila — all of the Mexican athletes will be competing in skiing in alpine, cross-country and free-style categories.
And all will wear distinctive ski suits with a Day of the Dead theme.
Only two of the team members were actually born in Mexico, and one doesn’t even speak Spanish. But all expressed pride to be part of the team, the biggest Winter Olympics contingent from Mexico since 1992, when 20 Mexican athletes traveled to France.
This year is also the first in 16 years that the team has consisted of more than one athlete.
Veteran Olympics athlete Sarah Schleper, 38, has competed under the star-spangled banner of the United States four times, but now represents Mexico after marrying her husband in 2007 and obtaining her Mexican citizenship seven years later.
“I feel lucky to represent such a beautiful country; my family is Mexican, and I am proud to wear its colors,” she told the newspaper El Universal.
Rodolfo Dickson, 20, is also competing in alpine skiing. Originally from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, he was adopted at the age of three by a Canadian couple. Dickson does not speak Spanish because he has lived most of his life in Canada.
PyeongChang is his first Olympic Games, and attending them fulfills a long-held dream.
“I don’t live in Mexico but I am very proud of the place where I was born,” he said.
“I really want to start something new,” he told USA Today. “There are a lot of young guys in Colorado who could represent Mexico, so in a few years I hope there will be a big team and athletes capable of being really successful.”
Mexico is represented in the cross-country skiing category by Germán Madrazo, 43. Born in Querétaro state, the businessman has lived in Texas for the past 10 years.
Madrazo is relatively a newcomer to winter sports, having taken to cross-country skiing just last year. Still, he was fortunate enough to be named the flag bearer during yesterday’s opening ceremony.
The Mexican delegation is rounded out by Robert Franco, 24, who will be competing in freestyle skiing. A native of San Jose, California, Franco holds dual nationality thanks to his father, who was born in Jalisco.
Franco began skiing at the age of two, coached by his father. He also trained in the U.S. before joining the Mexican team.
“It is a huge honor to be pioneering this sport in Mexico,” Franco told USA Today. “It’s shocking how awesome the response was in Mexico. I thought everyone would be saying, ‘He lives in the U.S.’ But no, it was like, ‘You’re one of us, you’re family.'”
“We all know that our country is not known for winter sports; however, when you have a dream you try to reach it. I hope that us four dreamers participating in PyeongChang can be an example of what can be achieved,” he told El Universal.
The four Olympians arrived in South Korea under the wing of Mexico’s Winter Olympics veteran Hubertus von Hohenlohe, a German playboy whose antics have earned him the “world’s most interesting Olympian” title for his outfits in prior games.
During his participation in the 2014 Sochi Games as the single Mexican representative, von Hohenlohe wore a mariachi-themed suit, and donned a desperado-themed outfit for the 2010 Vancouver Games.
Von Hohenlohe descends from German royalty but has represented Mexico in alpine skiing at five Olympics, qualifying for citizenship because he was born in Mexico City.
Now 58, von Hohenlohe did not qualify for PyeongChang but he has taken on an organizational role instead. His touch will be recognizable, as he designed and arranged for the manufacture of distinctive Olympic clothing and uniforms emblazoned with a Day of the Dead theme for the team.
The Mexican-German athlete might have taken a back seat at this year’s Olympics, but his “most interesting” title remains firmly in his grip. Yesterday he released a song called Austin, protesting President Donald Trump’s plan to erect a wall between the United States and Mexico.

From left, Mexican skiiers Dickson, Schleper and Hohenlohe in their Day of the Dead suits.

Oaxaca city admits traffic is not very fast Too many vehicles on streets not designed for them among the problems

Oaxaca city admits traffic is not very fast

Too many vehicles on streets not designed for them among the problems

The Oaxaca city government admitted this week that its traffic is indeed slow after a study revealed the average speed of vehicles in the city is the slowest in the world.
A study by the United Nations found that the lack of a high-capacity public transportation network was a key problem.
The poor design of city bus routes means that 90% of the buses cross the narrow, colonial-era streets of downtown Oaxaca.
A second reason is the ever-increasing number of vehicles that take to the streets every day. Over the last decade, the total number of vehicles has grown from 50,000 to 180,000. Estimates indicate that one-third of all vehicles registered in the state are in Oaxaca city.
Another factor is that many motorists, unable to find a place to park, simply double-park and effectively obstruct traffic flow
Those conditions are enough to cause traffic to go haywire on any given day, but throw in the near-daily protest marches and roadblocks and parts of the city become impassable for long periods.
Mayor José Antonio Hernández Fraguas acknowledged there is a problem but stressed that a fundamental factor is that most of the important thoroughfares were never designed for vehicles.
As for possible solutions, Hernández suggested restricting the entry of vehicles in the center, imposing a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour, enouraging greater use of bicycles and creating more pedestrian corridors.
Many streets in neighborhoods surrounding the city’s historic center have too many poorly installed speed bumps and traffic lights, the mayor said, and the latter lack the necessary technology to be synchronized.
The day when motorists and public transportation users can get to their destination in time might still be a long way off, but measures implemented by recent municipal administrations have proven successful.
Hernández, who has been mayor for just over a year, has continued to implement the “1 by 1” program created by his predecessor in 2014, in which traffic lights have been removed from strategic intersections. Motorists must now yield instead, allowing one vehicle from each street to enter at a time.
The measure has not only sped up traffic at those strategic points of the city, but has also had a positive effect on the number of traffic accidents reported. They have dropped by as much as 80%.
The Inrix Global Traffic Scorecard showed that the average speed of traffic in Oaxaca during peak hours was just 5.9 kilometers per hour, barely faster than walking. By comparison, the average traffic speed during peak hours around the world was 14.4 km/h.
Source: Milenio (sp), NVI Noticias (sp), e-oaxaca (sp)

TRIPSITTER - PSYTRANCE MIX 2018 [Animation Video]

Electro Silver/Cybernatural - Live Dj Set - Future Psy [PsyTrance Mix] ᴴᴰ

Construcción de loft-cabaña de 36m2 para zipolite oaxaca Habitissimo Cabaña o construcción mixta (paja- barro) madera. Construcción para playa, me interesan todas las posibilidades de presupuesto. (min-max) planeado como espacio tipo...

Construcción de loft-cabaña de 36m2 para zipolite oaxaca
Cabaña o construcción mixta (paja- barro) madera. Construcción para playa, me interesan todas las posibilidades de presupuesto. (min-max) planeado como espacio tipo...

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Gastronomical event with traditional cooks April conference showcases Oaxaca food and cultural diversity

Gastronomical event with traditional cooks

April conference showcases Oaxaca food and cultural diversity

Oaxaca’s traditional cooks want to draw international attention to the state’s gastronomy and diversity.
With that in mind, Oaxaca city will host the second annual conference of traditional cooks in April this year, when more than 100 cooks from the state’s eight regions will showcase Oaxaca’s cultural diversity.
Event spokeswoman Adriana Aguilar Escobar said most of Oaxaca’s traditional cooks carry on their work anonymously and without any recognition.
But the conference gives them a space where they can showcase their skills with pride, she explained.
More than 30 booths will display Oaxaca products and 30 artisans will exhibit traditional cookware.
Cooks will also offer courses in traditional cooking, making dishes such as pozole triqui and caldo de piedra. There will also be a presentation on mezcal by the Ibero-American University.
Additionally, a nutritionist will offer health classes for children on the importance of Mexican food, especially focusing on the consumption of beans and corn.
The conference will take place April 25-28 — the 486th anniversary of Oaxaca city — in the Plaza de la Danza.
A Oaxaca cook with corn dough.

Miles conviven en el Festival Nudista en Zipolite Grupo Milenio Miles de visitantes participan en el Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018, que busca fomentar "la convivencia entre personas sin ninguna clase de barrera y con la naturaleza en las mismas condiciones", dijo hoy el presidente de la Federación Nudista de México, Juan Marcos Castañeda. Esta convivencia ...

Miles conviven en el Festival Nudista en Zipolite
Miles de visitantes participan en el Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018, que busca fomentar "la convivencia entre personas sin ninguna clase de barrera y con la naturaleza en las mismas condiciones", dijo hoy el presidente de la Federación Nudista de México, Juan Marcos Castañeda. Esta convivencia ...

Algarabía en inauguración de Festival Nudista en Zipolite PubliMar Varios participantes mostraron su cuerpo en la inauguración del evento. Redacción PubliMar. SAN PEDRO POCHUTLA.- Con una calenda que recorrió las principales calles de éste destino turístico inició el pasado viernes el Tercer Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018, en la que participaron habitantes, ...

Algarabía en inauguración de Festival Nudista en Zipolite
Varios participantes mostraron su cuerpo en la inauguración del evento. Redacción PubliMar. SAN PEDRO POCHUTLA.- Con una calenda que recorrió las principales calles de éste destino turístico inició el pasado viernes el Tercer Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018, en la que participaron habitantes, ...

Zipolite, única playa nudista legal en México Quadratín Tlaxcala - Quadratin OAXACA, Oax., 3 de febrero de 2018.- Con la participación de cientos de turistas de diversos países del mundo, principalmente de Latinoamérica, las actividades del Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018 iniciaron este viernes con un desfile en las calles de la comunidad que culminó en la playa con bailes ...

Zipolite, única playa nudista legal en México
OAXACA, Oax., 3 de febrero de 2018.- Con la participación de cientos de turistas de diversos países del mundo, principalmente de Latinoamérica, las actividades del Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018 iniciaron este viernes con un desfile en las calles de la comunidad que culminó en la playa con bailes ...

Huatulco y Puerto Escondido Semana Santa, Puerto Escondido Events in Mexico Retiro de Yoga con Sharon Abbondaza y Brigitte Longueville. Wednesday 16:00 (14 February) Solstice Yoga Center, San Agustinillo · Tour Festival Del NUDISMO Zipolite - Puente De Febrero 2018. Wellness ...

Huatulco y Puerto Escondido Semana Santa, Puerto Escondido
Retiro de Yoga con Sharon Abbondaza y Brigitte Longueville. Wednesday 16:00 (14 February) Solstice Yoga Center, San Agustinillo · Tour Festival Del NUDISMO Zipolite - Puente De Febrero 2018. Wellness ...

Exceeded the hotel occupancy by nudist festival in Zipolite. edgarmartinez February 2, 2018

Exceeded the hotel occupancy by nudist festival in Zipolite.

• Only legal nudist beach in Mexico
Rusvel Torn
Zipolite, Oax.- With the participation of hundreds of tourists from different countries of the world, mainly from Latin America, the activities of the Third Nudist Festival in Zipolite began, with this reason a parade was held in the streets of this community belonging to San Pedro Pochutla that culminated in the beach, where locals and foreigners enjoyed regional dances with the folklore of La Costa Oaxaqueña.
Jair Flores, president of hotels and motels of Zipolite explained that hotel occupancy was exceeded, ensuring that the purpose of this Festival, is to promote tourism and eliminate prejudices towards this practice, but also, position Zipolite beach as a Tourist-Nudist destination worldwide
The activity was open to the public and is promoted by the Nudist Federation of Mexico, which seeks to promote body acceptance and eliminate the mentality that nudity is something that should be seen as bad or morbid.
Zipolite was named in 2016 legally, as the only Nudist-Optional beach in Mexico, that is, a person can walk naked or dressed on the beach without any problem.
The first Latin American nudist meeting took place in 2007 on the beaches of Brazil and Argentina and in 2016 Mexico hosted for the first time this international event on the Oaxacan beach on the shores of the Pacific Ocean ...
The Festival leaves a large economic spill for the business sector in the area and reported one hundred percent of hotel occupancy in Zipolite.

Invitan a una experiencia inigualable: Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018 Oaxadiario El Director de Turismo del municipio de San Pedro Pochutla, Juan José de Nova Reyes informó que el festival inició con una calenda en las calles de Zipolite, que incluyó la participación de la Casa de la Cultura municipal, instituciones educativas y diferentes grupos de baile. Seguir leyendo: Invitan a ...

Invitan a una experiencia inigualable: Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018
El Director de Turismo del municipio de San Pedro Pochutla, Juan José de Nova Reyes informó que el festival inició con una calenda en las calles de Zipolite, que incluyó la participación de la Casa de la Cultura municipal, instituciones educativas y diferentes grupos de baile. Seguir leyendo: Invitan a ...

Invite an unparalleled experience: Zipolite Nudist Festival 2018 Writing | Quadratín Oaxaca   | February 02, 2018 | 16:55

El texto original de este artículo fue publicado por la Agencia Quadratín en la siguiente dirección:

Este contenido se encuentra protegido por la ley. Si lo cita, por favor mencione la fuente y haga un enlace a la nota original de donde usted lo ha tomado. Agencia Quadratín. Todos los Derechos Reservados © 2016.

OAXACA, Oax., February 2, 2018.- The Government of Oaxaca invited national and foreign tourists to travel to the Oaxacan Coast to be part of one of the region's unparalleled experiences: the Zipolite 2018 Nudist Festival. From February 2 to 4, this nudist beach -the most important in the country to carry out this activity- takes place on a festival focused on respecting the body, mind and nature. The Director of Tourism of the municipality of San Pedro Pochutla, Juan Jose de Nova Reyes reported that the festival began with a calendar in the streets of Zipolite, which included the participation of the Municipal House of Culture, educational institutions and different dance groups. He informed that during the fourth edition of this festival there will be activities such as presentation of traditional dances, body painting, workshops and painting contests; photo sessions, nudist beach volleyball, nudist beach soccer, nudist obstacle course, nudist yoga, marriage ceremonies, sex and environmental education talks, among other activities. He added that although the concept of the festival is to practice nudism, visitors are free to choose between going to events with clothes or without it, said that, in the case of marriage ceremonies, visitors are asked to attend in its totality nudist. He stressed that the festival will take place in a healthy, familiar and respectful environment, where the arrival of some 3,000 tourists is expected, between nationals and foreigners, mainly from Canada, Brazil and France; He noted that this influx benefits the service providers of Zipolite, Mazunte, San Agustinillo, Puerto Angel and the city of Pochutla. De Nova Reyes said that the municipal and state security bodies and emergency are ready to protect visitors, there will be a tourist information module with maps and regulations to know the shops where nudism is allowed and with the reminder that the practice Nudist can only be done in the beach area. Nudism in Zipolite is done since the 70's, activity for which this beach is recognized in Mexico and the world, so the director of Tourism announced that steps are being taken to obtain the legal recognition of the Federal Government as a nudist beach .

El texto original de este artículo fue publicado por la Agencia Quadratín en la siguiente dirección:

Este contenido se encuentra protegido por la ley. Si lo cita, por favor mencione la fuente y haga un enlace a la nota original de donde usted lo ha tomado. Agencia Quadratín. Todos los Derechos Reservados © 2016.

Inicia Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018 Ciber Viaxes Oaxaca, Oax.- El Gobierno del Estado, a través de la Secretaría de Turismo (Sectur), invita al turismo nacional y extranjero a viajar a la Costa oaxaqueña para ser parte de una de las experiencias inigualables de esta región: el Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018. Del 2 al 4 de febrero se lleva a cabo en esta ...

Inicia Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018
Oaxaca, Oax.- El Gobierno del Estado, a través de la Secretaría de Turismo (Sectur), invita al turismo nacional y extranjero a viajar a la Costa oaxaqueña para ser parte de una de las experiencias inigualables de esta región: el Festival Nudista Zipolite 2018. Del 2 al 4 de febrero se lleva a cabo en esta ...