Puerto Escondido to Acapulco 248 miles or 400 Kilometers (driving)
Mexico City to Acapulco 236 miles or 380 Kilometers.
It is nearly the same distance from Mexico City or Puerto Escondido to Acapulco.
We have yet to make the journey to Acapulco from our home in Puerto – but a trip is in the works (planning stages – yes, we actually plan now).
Acapulco is northwest of our home in Puerto Escondido.We have been using the Internet to check on hotels, road conditions, things to see etc. For some inexplicable reason we decided to rent the Elvis Presley movie Fun in Acapulco to add to our research. This is of course quite laughable as an information source – but we always liked the King in any case.
Did you know that the 1963 Elvis Presley film Fun in Acapulco was mostly shot at Hollywood’s Paramount Studio? In fact Elvis never made it to Mexico for the film. Some background and ‘color’ shots were taken in Mexico by a second unit, but the King never made it south of the border.
Fun in Acapulco is one of Elvis’ supposedly more entertaining offerings. The songs, in this his 13th film, are Mexican flavored. But we have to say the cuts from a sound stage in Hollywood to the streets of Acapulco are ridiculous. We were embarrassed for the King who has has been dead for thirty-five years! What were they and he thinking?
Even Better Looking in Person!
We actually still enjoy Viva Las Vegas which is pretty much the same formula film except shot on actual location. My musical sense tells me they should have slowed the tempo down just a bit on the tune of the same name – but then that’s just me. It is only someone like me that will argue with success.
If nothing else seeing “old Las Vegas” jogs the memories and is a visual trip back in time. And then there was a twenty-something Ann Margret – wow – she almost stole the show which bothered Colonel Tom Parker a lot.
During a recording session we were doing with Barbra Streisand, Presley came in the building. We thought he was better looking in person than in his movies or on T.V. (if that is possible). Male and female alike could not deny his beauty – that is for sure.
Presley was being wooed to play the male lead in Streisand’s then upcoming film, “A Star is Born.” Streisand was hooked up with her hair dresser, Jon Peters, who instantly became a record and then film producer (oh my!). Apparently Colonel Tom Parker demanded EP get top billing – there just was not enough room at the top for the egos of Streisand and Colonel Tom; especially after Ann Margret’s upstaging .
As we all now know Kris Kristofferson got the call and Jon Peters went on to be President of Sony Pictures for a time. Senora Calypso started adult life as a hair dresser to the stars and ended up marrying me – Two crimpers of many talents and great successes.
But I digress.
Acapulco is an old resort town. We were there several times many, many years ago – before Cancun became the it place. Last time we were there all the action was at the north end of the bay. We understand the big resort hotels are now at the south end of the bay.
We will continue to nail down the details for some fun in Acapulco sans gathering any useful information from the film. We cannot in all good conscious (read taste) recommend the movie. As to our take on the city – Stay Tuned!