
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Community! With great pleasure I want to give you this nice report of what we have achieved 🙌 With the support of the donors of #ZipoliteDiverso the 🏳️ 🌈 LGBT+ 🏳️ 🌈 group of Zipolite, this week we were able to deliver 140 sheets to the colony La Cascada, 97 sheets, 140 bars and duels to the colony Las Lomas And give roof to families 👨 👩 👦 👦 👨 👨 👦 👨 👩 👧 👧 👨 👦 👩 👧 of Arroyo 3. who with everyone else are very grateful with the construction of their roofs and the support our 🏳️ 🌈 community has given them. This week we visited Las Lomas, another of the areas most damaged by the Agatha, which was the last (today) to receive help for its reconstruction cción️ cción We continue with the collection of money 💰 and census to assess the most vulnerable areas that require the most urgent help. How can you help us? 🏳️ 🌈 Sharing with your friends, family and networks 🏳️ 🌈Donating 🏳️ 🌈 communicating about our program 🏳️ 🌈Planning your zipolite holiday🏖☀️🏝, already many hotels 🍆, delicious restaurants ya and bars🍑🍑🎉🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈❤️👯🍾🎈🍆🍆are open.

Comunidad! Con mucho gusto quiero hacerles este bonito reporte de lo que hemos logrado 🙌
Con el apoyo de los donadores de #ZipoliteDiverso el grupo🏳️‍🌈 LGBT+ 🏳️‍🌈de Zipolite, esta semana pudimos entregar
140 laminas a la colonia La Cascada,
97 laminas, 140 barrotes y duelas a la colonia Las Lomas
Y darle techo a familias 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👦👩‍👧 de Arroyo 3. quiénes con todos los demás están muy agradecidos con la construcción de sus techos y con el apoyo que nuestra comunidad 🏳️‍🌈 les ha brindado. Esta semana visitamos Las Lomas, otra de las zonas más dañadas por el Ágatha, que fue la ultima (hoy) en recibir ayuda para su reconstrucción ⚒️🔧🧱
Continuamos con la recaudación de dinero 💰 y los censos para evaluar las zonas más vulnerables y que requieren ayuda más urgente.
Como nos puedes ayudar?
🏳️‍🌈Compartiendo con sus amigos, familia y redes
🏳️‍🌈comunicando de nuestro programa
🏳️‍🌈Planeando tus vacaciones en Zipolite🏖☀️🏝, ya muchos hoteles🏩, restaurantes deliciosos 🦐🍙🍣 y bares 🍑🍑🎉🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️👯🍾🎈🍆🍆están abiertos.
Gracias a tu ayuda, y a todos los participantes vamos a #ReconstruirZipolite

Thanks to your help, and to all participants we will #RebuildZipolite

Lito's Pizza today! Come try the special pizzas only available here and also today curry veg empanadas. 😋

Lito's Pizza today! Come try the special pizzas only available here and also today curry veg empanadas. 😋

Refrigeracion "daram" · REFACTIONS FOR THE HOME ✅ BLENDERS ✅ FRIDGERS ✅ HEATER ✅ WASHING MACHINES ✅AIR CONDITIONING ✅EXPRESS POT ✅ FAN Lazaro main avenue in front of Chedraui Whatsapp 9581221675

See more
Lazaro main avenue in front of Chedraui
Whatsapp 9581221675

Apartment is located in Col. Los Mangos, 10 minutes on foot from Playa del Amor. It is in a very quiet area You can contact me Ami phone number 9581157558 cotavio larrea At the moment I have it available for 4 months until the end of October...

Está ubicada en col.los mangos a 10 min.a pie a playa del amor

Está en una zona muy tranquila

Me pueden contactar Ami teléfono 9581157558 cotavio larrea

Por el momento la tengo disponible por 4 meses asta finales de octubre...

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Mexico does the (corn) mash

Mexico does the (corn) mash
Mexico does the (corn) mash
Whisky makers here are using the nation's abundant varieties of corn to make their versions of the alcoholic beverage like no one else's.

Good things do come in small packages

Good things do come in small packages
Good things do come in small packages
Janet Blaser shows how substituting milder shallots in recipes calling for onions will have you singing their praises in The Tropical Table.

Hurricane / The opinion of journalist Ernesto Reyes | It happened in Oaxaca It happened in Oaxaca Facilities of the support organization for children with disabilities, Piña Palmera, were destroyed. High winds and flooding...

Huracán / La opinión del periodista Ernesto Reyes | Sucedió en Oaxaca
Instalaciones de la organización de apoyo a niños con discapacidad, Piña Palmera, quedaron destruidas. Los fuertes vientos y las inundaciones ...

Hurricane / The opinion of journalist Ernesto Reyes

EDITOR on June 18, 2022 at 10:33 am


The devastating passage of Hurricane "Paulina" in 1997 is still fresh in the memory of thousands of Oaxacans. Its indelible wounds, of pain and death, have taken several years to heal, in terms of reconstruction, because the emergency declarations were a bottomless barrel through which enormous amounts of money were leaking. It is no news to anyone that the disappeared FONDEN turned corrupt public servants who have passed through agencies such as the DIF, Civil Protection and Caminos y Aeropistas de Oaxaca into nouveau riche, to name a few. But he also increased the fortunes of municipal presidents and partisan operators who profited from the pain of others.

The high cost is remembered now that the magnitude two hurricane Agatha savagely hit hundreds of poor families. The evaluations of the economic, social, health and educational infrastructure must include medium-sized merchants, farmers, tourist service providers and inhabitants of the most remote ranches. More than two weeks later, 38 municipalities have been declared emergency and disaster zones.

As on the 10th, this Friday, June 17, the President of the Republic had to present the comprehensive plan and resources for the recovery of roads, schools, health centers, as well as the reconstruction of hundreds of homes. For this, he arranged for federal agencies to carry out infrastructure actions and deliver goods. The delivery is direct to the municipal authorities for the reconstruction of bridges and local roads, with the support of the population, eliminating the intermediaries, because along the way many of the supports vanish. Their presence, to give order and speed, is of vital importance because neither the state government nor the municipalities have the budgets to respond effectively.

Before May 30, when it hit the ground, the political class, entertained to see who would get the governorship, looked sideways at the threat. At least nine people would die and six would remain as disappeared. Official reports, from civil society and social organizations mentioned a large number of isolated populations, due to destroyed bridges and drinking water networks, without electricity and telephone power, swollen rivers and streams, landslides and a considerable agricultural disaster.

Damage was identified in municipalities such as Pluma Hidalgo, Santiago Xanica (the Loxicha area), Santa María Tonameca, San Pedro Pochutla, San Mateo Piñas and the Ozolotepec micro-region. Facilities of the support organization for children with disabilities, Piña Palmera, were destroyed. The strong winds and the pluvial floods hindered mobility, food supply and the actions of the DN III Plan implemented by the Army, the Navy and state corporations. The downpours spread to the Chontal and Zapotec areas of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

On the other hand, Agatha revealed the poor and marginalized Oaxaca that hides behind the official publicity about beach destinations, the Guelaguetza and the magical towns. There were exposed the infamous conditions in which the existence of thousands of families develops that, were it not for the Welfare programs, they would not have the minimum to get ahead.

Unlike "Paulina", when communication was carried out by conventional means, Agatha showed the effectiveness of social networks, although the power and telephone signal outages made it impossible to know immediately the levels of devastation. In order to channel aid, they fulfilled a very important function, disseminating the collection centers set up by civil society and the authorities in this capital and other places. Regional radio, particularly on the coast, played a relevant role, although some stations suffered the fall of their transmission towers, a situation that the reporters resolved with real-time transmissions via digital platforms.

The presence of López Obrador, in the affected area, reactivates hope for the thousands of victims and drives away the robber. We hope that the brigades, in charge of the Welfare Secretariat, have carried out the census of those affected with professionalism and social sensitivity and that no one is excluded.



#WSL #WSLBrasil It's On! Layback Pro Rio - Dia das Finais