Oaxaca.- "Stay home, close the door to contagion" Follow the sound ... "Do it for you, do it for me, do it for everyone ... take shelter".

It is the message that patrols of the municipality of Tlaxiaco, in Oaxaca emit, due to the increase in Covid-19 cases, this sound indicates that non-essential businesses must be closed after 4:00 p.m.

“We were forced to declare ourselves at a red light and at the same time have to declare a mandatory confinement for 30 days, since in three weeks we had an increase of approximately 150 cases, we had remained for almost a year or so in an official statistic of the Oaxaca Health Services in more or less 320 - 340 cases, but in the last three weeks we have risen to 472 cases, ”said Gaudencio Ortiz Cruz, Municipal President of Tlaxiaco.

In Oaxaca, the Health Services report a hospital occupancy of almost 70 percent and here, the capacity of the IMSS Regional Hospital was exceeded.

"For COVID, there are only 4 beds that we had available to attend the health emergency and they expand this number to 10 beds, however, given the number of population that Tlaxiaco has, that we are approximately 60 thousand inhabitants, since 10 beds is totally insufficient" , said Ortiz Cruz.

Since this week the main square of Tlaxiaco has been cordoned off and economic activity stops in the afternoons.

"Well, it is empty right now and it is good because then people come to walk and right now it is empty," said Valentín Santiago, a resident of the place.

"In fact, if it affects us, more to us because of what it is fruit because the merchandise is damaged ... if we close before then we no longer sell the same," said Yuridia Santiago, who is dedicated to commerce,

Even the municipal market is closed due to the contingency.

"Before it was closed at nine o'clock at night when there was no this pandemic, and now" Right now, due to the pandemic, it started at 7 o'clock, "said Felipe Santiago, a resident of Tlaxiaco.

Not respecting a healthy distance, encouraging crowds and not wearing face masks are subject to sanctions by municipal authorities, ranging from fines to community work.

Tlaxiaco is located 160 kilometers from the city of Oaxaca in the Mixteca region

Beaches in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, closed due to third wave of covid

The beaches of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, will be closed for the next 15 days due to the pandemic.

The beaches of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, will remain closed for the next 15 days by disposition of the municipal authority due to an outbreak of COVID-19 infections at this point in the Costa region.

By order of the Santa María Colotepec council, the following were cordoned off: Puerto Piedra, Bahía Principal, Playa Marinero, Playa Zicatela, Punta Zicatela and even El Puertecito,

The closure stemmed from an exhortation by the Oaxaca Health Services to intensify the vigilance of security measures due to the third wave of the pandemic.

The provision is in order to reduce and end the chain of infections that is causing the loss of many lives in that area.

The cordon off of the beach area applies from August 1 to August 15, without exception, the provision must be complied with, otherwise the administrative offense will be sanctioned.

The sanctions range from an economic fine, community work, a 36-hour corporal punishment, or else, a legal and administrative process will follow for putting the health and lives of citizens at risk.

Puerto Escondido, one of the main tourist destinations in Oaxaca, is on the list of the 100 best places in the world of the year 2021 (The World's Greatest Places of 2021) by Time magazine.

One of the most influential publications in the world, includes in its annual ranking Puerto Escondido, known for its ideal waves for surfing, where surfers, spectators and national tourists and from other parts of the world meet.