
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

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code red - Tahiti biggest swell

#WSL WSL Big Wave At Large: NAZARÉ 2020 - THE LARGEST WAVES EVER SURFED?!!! ft Kai Lenny, Justine Dupont

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Torrey Meister at Jaws | WIPEOUT OF THE YEAR AWARD NOMINEES - Red Bull Big Wave Awards

Wallace: You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that? Trump: I just look at – I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff. Now they want to change -- 1492, Columbus discovered America. You know, we grew up, you grew up, we all did, that’s what we learned. Now they want to make it the 1619 project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so. Wallace: It’s slavery. Trump: That’s what they’re saying, but they don’t even know.

You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?

Trump: I just look at – I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff. Now they want to change -- 1492, Columbus discovered America. You know, we grew up, you grew up, we all did, that’s what we learned. Now they want to make it the 1619 project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so.

Wallace: It’s slavery.

Trump: That’s what they’re saying, but they don’t even know.

May video: Spot de Ulises y Oax / Radio spot re: Gov. Ruiz of Oax

Pause -2:29 Additional Visual Settings Enter Watch And ScrollEnter Fullscreen Mute September Video - Pablo y Manuel

Guided Sleep Meditation: Complete Release Body Scan | Relaxation Music and Sounds | Relax Melodies

Fall Asleep on a Cozy Bed on a Deserted Island | 8 Hours Gentle Wav... Relax Melodies

Mexico News Today Monday, July 20, 2020

MONDAY, JULY 20, 2020

Another 6.4bn pesos needed to catch up on virus testing; record new cases Saturday

Mexico needs to spend at least 6.4 billion pesos—US $283.4 million—on Covid-19 testing kits in order to have the capacity to reach the average testing rate of the OECD, according to a Mexico City think tank. FULL STORY
RELATED: Wearing a face mask is mandatory in 24 states. FULL STORY

Cartel demonstrates its firepower with video showing heavily armed convoy

A video of heavily-armed Jalisco New Generation Cartel members in a convoy of vehicles is a message to government, according to one analyst: "Come after us and we'll strike back.' FULL STORY
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Once again, governors rebel over feds’ virus risk map

The governors of several states have indicated that they won’t impose stricter coronavirus restrictions this week despite being allocated a “red light” on the latest “stoplight” map, used to indicate the risk of infection. FULL STORY

Governor calls for 10-day voluntary confinement

Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat has called on residents to participate in a voluntary 10-day lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus. FULL STORY

Jalisco governor accuses virus czar of playing politics

Enrique Alfaro has accused Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell of allocating a “red light” to his state on the coronavirus risk “stoplight” map because “he felt like it.” FULL STORY

Combating the virus: ‘We don’t need bottled poison’ 

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on Mexico due to the high prevalence of diet-related chronic diseases, Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell said. FULL STORY

They trusted in God, a local chile and tequila to protect them from the virus

In March they said 'No pasa nada.' Today the Mexico City pueblo of San Gregorio Atlapulco has the highest number of cases in the capital. FULL STORY

Party time: governor, mayors forget coronavirus

Coahuila Governor Miguel Riquelme hosted a big birthday party for one of his employees in spite of a prohibition against such festivities. FULL STORY

Tourists arrested for not wearing masks in San Miguel

Two visitors to the city were arrested and fined by authorities after refusing requests to wear a protective mask in public. FULL STORY

Demand puts pressure on oxygen supplies in Tabasco

Medical oxygen is proving scarce, presenting a daunting challenge for family and friends of coronavirus patients who need breathing assistance while being cared for at home. FULL STORY

‘Counselor, you have no pants on;’ lawyer caught in his underwear in conference

Virtual meetings via Zoom or other platforms have become de rigueur in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, but social distancing need not come at the cost of social decorum as a lawyer who attended a virtual meeting in his underwear found out. FULL STORY

Drive-in Mass: Catholics go to church in Morelos

The Catholic Church celebrated its first in-person Mass in four months in Morelos on Sunday by using a novel approach — inviting parishioners to a listen from their cars as if attending a drive-in theater. FULL STORY

State protects ex-Pemex boss; life could be in danger

Former Pemex CEO Emilio Lozoya, extradited to Mexico by Spain last week to face corruption charges, must be protected because he is cooperating with authorities and his life could be in danger, President López Obrador said. FULL STORY

Military takes over customs

The military will assume control of Mexico’s customs offices and ports, President López Obrador announced as efforts to eliminate corruption continue at ports of entry. FULL STORY

23 bodies found in hidden grave on farm in Jalisco

The Jalisco Attorney General’s Office reported that 23 bodies and four bags of remains were discovered in a clandestine grave in  El Salto. FULL STORY

Archaeologist says damage to Texcoco site irreversible

Damage to a pre-Hispanic aqueduct at an archaeological site in Texcoco, México state, is irreparable, says a director at the National Institute of Anthropology and History. FULL STORY

Veteran trade negotiator believes he can fix issues at World Trade Organization

Mexico’s pick to run the organization says he can fix its broken dispute resolution mechanism within 100 days, use it to ease U.S.-China trade tensions and keep Washington from quitting the global trade body. FULL STORY

3-meter oarfish appears on Baja California Sur beach

An oarfish, a deepwater eel-like fish not generally seen in Mexican waters, has made another surprise appearance, turning up Friday in Pichilingue Bay in La Paz. FULL STORY

Curious black bear surprises park visitors in Nuevo León

A trio of women walking in the Chipinque Ecological Park got some unwanted attention when a black bear got too close for comfort and gave the visitors a thorough inspection. FULL STORY


Recovering lost miners’ bodies estimated to take 4 years, cost 1.75bn pesos
Is the project to recover Coahuila miners' bodies a wise use of public funds?
Should local police be given responsibility to investigate crime?
54% said it should.


The rain brings out a culinary delight in Mexican forests

The rainy season is upon us and if you live anywhere near a forest in Mexico, writes Leigh Thelmadatter, you may have the chance to try some local delicacies — wild mushrooms. FULL STORY

San Miguel artist puts her ‘quarantine cocktails’ into a book

Artist Jane Dill’s fun new book, Quarantine Cocktails: 50 Cocktails in 50 Days of Quarantine in San Miguel de Allende, is exactly what the title says it is, writes Janet Blaser in The Tropical TableFULL STORY


‘After a 20-year relationship, I’m giving up on Mexico’

Property invasions, cartel impunity, criminal banks and incompetence at the top have quashed all hopes for Mexico for this expat. FULL STORY
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Summer Dreams (Ambient Music for Study, Relaxation, Sleep)