
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Friday, May 8, 2020

David Archuleta - My Little Prayer - #LIGHTtheWORLD

David Archuleta - Crush (Official Video)

Record virus cases; AMLO rejects strategy change—again; moms: kids search essential; breweries still closed; signs of fires in cenote 10,000 years ago FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2020

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2020

Thursday sets a record for new Covid-19 cases

Mexico recorded its biggest single-day increase to both its coronavirus case tally and death toll, lifting the former to almost 30,000 and the latter to just under 3,000. FULL STORY
RELATED: Covid-19 cases up 1,609, biggest single-day increase yet; death toll over 2,700. FULL STORY

President dismisses 3rd call by business group to modify economic strategy

President López Obrador has rejected a new call to offer greater support to the private sector amid the coronavirus-induced economic crisis, seeing private sector aid as nothing more than a bail-out for large corporations. FULL STORY
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AMLO says renewable energy sources provide nothing; figures show otherwise

They generate much of Mexico’s power at much lower prices than the Federal Electricity Commission but private energy companies have still incurred the wrath of President López Obrador. FULL STORY

Competition commission warns of higher power rates

Electricity rates could go up as a result of measures that will delay the commencement of new renewable energy projects and ramp up production at old state-run power plants. FULL STORY

Commission contradicts AMLO: family violence complaints have risen

President López Obrador assured the nation that domestic violence has not increased during the coronavirus quarantine but the statistics say otherwise. FULL STORY

3 sisters, all IMSS workers, murdered in Coahuila

Three sisters who worked for the Social Security Institute were found strangled to death in Torreón on Friday. FULL STORY

Senator criticizes daughter’s decision to hold beach party

The daughter of a Baja California senator ignored coronavirus measures to throw a beach party this week. FULL STORY

42% of Covid-19 patients in Nayarit are IMSS personnel

The governor has accused the Social Security Institute of failing to protect health workers adequately. FULL STORY

Despite symptoms, senior released from hospital twice

A 73-year-old México state man was sent home from the same hospital twice this week despite being diagnosed with pneumonia and suffering serious coronavirus-like symptoms. FULL STORY

Deaths bring disreputable funeral service operators

Elevated numbers of deaths from the coronavirus and restrictions on wakes and burials in some parts of the country have led to the rise of an illicit funeral market that is overcharging and swindling families. FULL STORY

89-year-old woman with diabetes beats Covid-19

The Guerrero woman survived a 17-day bout of Covid-19 and was released from an Acapulco hospital this week. FULL STORY

Curfew, more hospital beds for Playa del Carmen

Fearing the devastating economic effects of a resurgence in coronavirus cases, authorities have ordered a nightly curfew. FULL STORY

Scientists find evidence of fires built 10,000 years ago

The first settlers of the Yucatán Peninsula built bonfires 10,000 years ago in a cave now flooded with water, studies have confirmed. FULL STORY

Thursday sets a record for new Covid-19 cases, deaths; trend ‘clearly upward’ Report claims feds are hiding true extent of Mexico City deaths

Coronavirus cases in Mexico as of Thursday evening. MILENIO

Thursday sets a record for new Covid-19 cases, deaths; trend ‘clearly upward’

Report claims feds are hiding true extent of Mexico City deaths

Mexico recorded its biggest single-day increase to both its coronavirus case tally and death toll on Thursday, lifting the former to almost 30,000 and the latter to just under 3,000.
The federal Health Ministry reported 1,982 new confirmed Covid-19 cases, taking the total number of accumulated cases since the disease was first detected at the end of February to 29,616. It also reported 257 additional fatalities, lifting the death toll to 2,961.
Mexico’s coronavirus fatality rate is now in double figures for the first time at 10 per 1,000 confirmed cases.
A total of 10,392 additional confirmed cases were added to Mexico’s tally in the first week of May, 37% more than in the final seven days of April. Health authorities reported 1,102 coronavirus-related deaths in the first week of this month, 39% more than the 790 fatalities recorded in the last week of April.
Health Ministry Director of Epidemiology José Luis Alomía said Thursday night that Mexico’s epidemic curve continues to maintain a “clear upward trend,” contradicting Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell’s assertion on Tuesday that the curve is flattening.
The coronavirus death toll was approaching 3,000 as of Thursday evening
The coronavirus death toll was approaching 3,000 as of Thursday evening. MILENIO
Alomía told reporters at the nightly coronavirus press briefing that 7,802 of the almost 30,000 confirmed cases are considered to be active. He also said that there are 18,812 suspected Covid-19 cases across the country and that 117,211 people have now been tested for the disease.
Mexico City has the highest number of accumulated and active coronavirus cases, with 8,129 of the former and 2,051 of the latter. México state ranks second in both categories, with 5,077 accumulated cases and 1,203 active ones, according to Health Ministry data.
Eight states have more than 200 active cases: Veracruz (329); Tabasco (329); Baja California (309); Yucatán (296); Morelos (293); Puebla (264); Sinaloa (259); and Nuevo León (229). Active cases have surged in Nuevo León this month, increasing by 144% from 94 on May 1.
At the municipal level, Iztapalapa in Mexico City continues to lead the country for active cases, with 503. Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City, is second followed by Centro (Villahermosa), Tabasco; Culiacán, Sinaloa; and Nezahualcóyotl, México state.
Mexico City has also recorded the highest number of coronavirus-related deaths, with 696 fatalities as of Thursday, according to Health Ministry figures.
However, The New York Times reported on Friday that the federal government is not reporting hundreds or possibly thousands of Covid-19 deaths in the capital. It said that Mexico City officials have counted more than three times the number of fatalities than the federal government has publicly acknowledged.
Active cases of Covid-19 in Mexico.
Active cases of Covid-19 in Mexico. MILENIO
The Times reported that Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum began to suspect that federal data was flawed a month ago but has not spoken out publicly because she doesn’t want to embarrass President López Obrador, her close political ally.
Two former federal health ministers, José Narro Robles and José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, publicly expressed doubt this week about the government’s coronavirus statistics and modeling, with the latter asserting that the figures are “almost irrelevant.”
According to official figures, Baja California has the second highest death toll in Mexico, with 344 fatalities.
Six other states have recorded more than 100 coronavirus-related deaths: México state (275); Sinaloa (197); Tabasco (188); Quintana Roo (168); Puebla (124); and Chihuahua (117).
At the municipal level, Tijuana, Baja California, has the highest death toll, with 243 fatalities, followed by Culiacán, Sinaloa (139); Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City (135); Benito Juárez (Cancún), Quintana Roo (131); and Iztapalapa, Mexico City (110).
Among the almost 3,000 people confirmed to have lost their lives to Covid-19, 503 did not have an identified existing health problem that made them more vulnerable to the disease nor were they aged over 65.
Five foreigners have died of Covid-19 in Mexico, according to Health Ministry data – one person from each of Cuba, Greece, Canada, Chile and El Salvador.
Source: Milenio (sp) 

Sign of the time..

Driving Through or Away From the virus Lake Chapala

Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber - Stuck with U (Lyric Video)

Monday, May 4, 2020

Mexico City hospitals to see greatest number of Covid-19 cases May 11-15 The number of coronavirus patients in intensive care beds will peak next week, the deputy health minister said. FULL STORY RELATED: IMSS will open it doors to non-beneficiaries in Mexico City with Covid-19. FULL STORY

One of the warning signs in 89 areas of Mexico City that are considered high risk. One of the warning signs in 89 areas of Mexico City that are considered high risk.

Mexico City hospitals to see greatest number of virus cases May 11-15

Across the country, cases now total 23,471 and deaths 2,154

The number of coronavirus patients in intensive care beds in Mexico City hospitals will peak next week, Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell said on Sunday.
Speaking at the Health Ministry’s nightly coronavirus press briefing, López-Gatell said that about 1,800 Covid-19 patients are expected to be in the capital’s intensive care wards between May 11 and 15. The prediction is based on the estimate that the transmission of the virus will reach its peak in Mexico City between Wednesday and Friday of this week, he said.
With that scenario looming, the Mexico City government has put up signs in 89 different locations warning residents that they are areas of high risk of infection because large numbers of people pass through them.
Placed in 51 metro stations, 31 transit hubs (mainly bus stations outside subway stations) and seven public markets including the Central de Abasto wholesale market and the sprawling Mercado de la Merced on the fringe of the capital’s historic center, the yellow and black signs bear messages such as “Careful! High contagion area” and “Keep your distance and don’t touch anything.”
Mexico City is the worst affected entity in the country in terms of both Covid-19 cases and deaths from the infectious disease.
Confirmed Covid-19 cases as of Sunday evening
Confirmed Covid-19 cases as of Sunday evening. MILENIO
López-Gatell said on Sunday night that the number of confirmed cases across the country had increased by 1,383 to 23,471 and that the death toll had risen by 93 to 2,154. He also said that there are 191 suspected coronavirus fatalities that have not yet been confirmed.
More than a quarter of the confirmed cases since Covid-19 was first detected in Mexico at the end of February – 6,417 – were reported in Mexico City while almost 4,000 more were identified in neighboring México state. The capital has reported 472 coronavirus-related deaths, almost double the 238 fatalities in Baja California, which has the second-highest death toll in the country.
México state has the third highest death toll with 199 fatalities followed by Sinaloa, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and Puebla, where 170, 145, 118 and 102 people, respectively, have lost their lives to Covid-19.
Of the more that 23,000 confirmed cases, 6,933 are currently considered active, López-Gatell said, adding that there are 12,664 suspected cases of the disease and that almost 96,000 people have now been tested.
Mexico City also has the highest number of active cases, with 1,894, followed by México state, with 1,076. Tabasco has 344 active cases, Sinaloa has 287, Veracruz has 273, Yucatán has 261, Puebla has 241, Quintana Roo has 222 and Morelos has 216. No other state currently has more than 200 active cases, according to Health Ministry data.
While admissions of Covid-19 patients to intensive care wards in Mexico is predicted to spike next week, hospitals in the capital are already under more pressure than those in the rest of the country.
Mexico City leads with the number of Covid-19 deaths
Mexico City leads with the highest number of Covid-19 deaths, at 472, according to the statistics released Sunday. MILENIO
Two-thirds of hospital beds for patients requiring general care are already occupied in the capital while 59% of those with ventilators are currently is use, López-Gatell said.
Baja California has the second highest occupancy rate of regular hospital beds, at 53%, while Sinaloa ranks second for occupancy of beds with ventilators, with 55% currently in use.
At a national level, occupancy of regular hospital beds is 29% while 24% of beds with ventilators are in use.
President López Obrador said in late April that Mexico is prepared to respond to the worst of the pandemic and pledged that “no sick person will be left without a ventilator.”
Source: El Universal (sp), Milenio (sp)