
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Phish in Mexico by TC

Phish in Mexico

by TC
Well it's been almost a week now since the legendary Phish shows at the Barceló resort in the Mayan Riviera, about 20 minutes south of Playa del Carmen. Here are some pics from the "cheap seats" on the beach. Story to follow. . .
TC | January 22, 2016 at 4:14 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Zipolite ... Download track Other 01:41 Zipolite Las Animas del Cuarto Oscuro; Add track to playlist Download track Other 15:43 Zipolite Dopamine Larvae ...


  •    Add track to playlist   Download track   Other    06:20   Zipolite   E Duque
  •    Add track to playlist   Download track   Other    01:41   Zipolite   Las Animas del Cuarto Oscuro
  •    Add track to playlist   Download track   Other    15:43   Zipolite   Dopamine Larvae

Hay Oxacaquita extraño tu calors #zipolite #costeño #oaxaca #losamantesdekahlo #ba** #todoquemado #eragüero

Covering Up A Nude Mannequin Just For Laughs Gags Just For Laughs Gags

Covering Up A Nude Mannequin

MrLemilica2 has uploaded Ilgaz - Live Recording Set - TranceFormation III [ İstanbul 2008]


MrLemilica2 has uploaded Ilgaz - Live Recording Set - TranceFormation III [ İstanbul 2008]

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A Short Meditation of Nature Sounds W/O Birdsong-Calming Sound of Water Relaxation

The History of 80's Volume 1 By DJ-POWERMASTERMIX 2016

The History of 80's Volume 1


History Of 80's Volume 2 By DJ-POWERMASTERMIX 2016

History Of 80's Volume 2


Posada Mexico Zipolite 8 hrs · ESTE DOMINGO POSADA MÉXICO PRESENTA: "MISTER CHANGO" LATIN JAZZ PROJECT INSTRUMENTAL, LOS ESPERAMOS!!!! This Sunday Inn Mexico presents: "Mister Chango" Latin Jazz Project Instrumental, we wait for them!!!!

This Sunday Inn Mexico presents: "Mister Chango"

Over 500,000, 1/2 million Unique Hits, Today, 24JAN2016.

Popular - Finebox Popular - Finebox Amazed by this, long man hours to do....skills.#oldarchitecture #igphotography #igphotographycommunity #Mexico #zipolite #oaxaca #one.

Popular - Finebox
Amazed by this, long man hours to do....skills.#oldarchitecture #igphotography #igphotographycommunity #Mexico #zipolite #oaxaca #one.

photo0.jpg - Bild von Hotel Playa Zipolite, Zipolite TripAdvisor Bild von Hotel Playa Zipolite, Zipolite: photo0.jpg - Schauen Sie sich 1.072 authentische Fotos und Videos von Hotel Playa Zipolite an, die von ...

photo0.jpg - Bild von Hotel Playa Zipolite, Zipolite
Bild von Hotel Playa Zipolite, Zipolite: photo0.jpg - Schauen Sie sich 1.072 authentische Fotos und Videos von Hotel Playa Zipolite an, die von ...

Dieses Foto von Hotel Playa Zipolite wurde von TripAdvisor zur Verfügung gestellt

One Surefire Way to Spot Bedbugs in Your Hotel Room Caroline Morse, January 12, 2016

One Surefire Way to Spot Bedbugs in Your Hotel Room

Caroline Morse, January 12, 2016
Bedbugs are the ultimate travel nightmare, and you might not know you've brought them home with you until it's too late. Spare yourself the mental and financial anguish of bedbugs by always doing this one thing as soon as you step into your hotel room.
It doesn't matter if you're staying in a low-budget hostel or the fanciest hotel in the world. Bedbugs are everywhere. As soon as you arrive in your room, drop your belongings in a safe place like the bathroom—where it's hard for bedbugs to hide on tile surfaces. Avoid the luggage rack, where the bugs can stay after coming in on another traveler's bag.
Next, inspect the bed. Start by pulling off all of the bedding until you get to the bare mattress. Use the flashlight app on your smartphone to get a better view as you check around the seams of all four corners. Be sure to check the box spring and headboard as well.
Now here's the surefire way to spot them: You're not only looking for the bugs themselves, but for signs that they've been there. Small, dark blood from their excrement is a dead giveaway (and super gross, too)/ Check all the furniture in the room, as well as behind any framed art on the walls, because bugs can lurk there, too.
If you find evidence of bugs, gather your belongings from the bathroom and ask the hotel staff for a new room—one that does not share a wall with the infested room. (Bedbugs can travel between rooms fairly easily.)
Make sure you do not bring the bedbugs home with you by immediately washing all of your clothing in hot water. You'll need to vacuum out your suitcase as well. And to be extra safe, you should store your suitcase inside a large plastic bag to prevent any hearty bugs from invading your home.

More from SmarterTravel:

Read the original story: One Surefire Way to Spot Bedbugs in Your Hotel Room by Caroline Morse, who is a regular contributor to SmarterTravel.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ricardo Hugo Rangel Rodriguez added 2 new photos. January 20 at 12:08pm · Gracias todos los que participaron con el asunto de la ballena varada en Zipolite ya fue remolcada mar adentro la mejor opción en estos casos ........ Thank you all who participated with the issue of the beached whale in zipolite already was towed in the best option in these cases........ Translated from Spanish

Gracias todos los que participaron con el asunto de la ballena varada en Zipolite ya fue remolcada mar adentro la mejor opción en estos casos ........
Thank you all who participated with the issue of the beached whale in zipolite already was towed in the best option in these cases........

Posada Mexico Zipolite added 3 new photos.

Zion Rubiel at Zipolite Playa Nudista-MEXICO. #‎zipolite‬ ‪#‎Nude‬ ‪#‎international‬ ‪#‎beach‬

Las Ingles will play with THE THING (HUX) next saturday night in Zipolite. 30. 01.2016. Bar Sativa. Roca Blanca. — with Zand Vargas, Zipolite Oax, Duncan Brown and Venas Rojas Garcia Valdes.

Las Ingles will play with THE THING (HUX) next saturday night in Zipolite. 30. 01.2016. Bar Sativa. Roca Blanca. — with Zand VargasZipolite Oax,Duncan Brown and Venas Rojas Garcia Valdes.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Oaxaca Brothers - Trance Lixereza Oaxaca Brothers Oaxaca Brothers

Oaxaca Brothers - Trance Lixereza

Ballena hallada en Zipolite habría muerto por causas naturales: UMAR

Ballena  hallada en Zipolite habría muerto por causas naturales: UMAR

Ballena  hallada en Zipolite habría muerto por causas naturales: UMAR

*Del 2011 a la fecha, se han localizado al menos 4 ballenas y 15 delfines muertos en la misma
Maira Ricárdez
Oaxaca, Oax. 20 de enero de 2016.- El vice rector académico de la Universidad del Mar (UMAR) Campus Puerto Ángel,  Juan Meraz Hernando, informó que el ejemplar de ballena jorobada, localizado sin vida a las orillas de la Playa del Amor, Zipolite, era apenas un ballenato, de 4 a 6 metros de longitud y dos toneladas de peso aproximadamente, muy probablemente una cría con pocas semanas de nacida que murió en la mar. En ejemplares adultos esto no suele suceder con la misma frecuencia que con las crías, clarificó. También sucede con especies más pequeñas, como delfines, por ejemplo.
El también profesor investigador del área de Biología Marina recapituló que en los últimos años han sido al menos 4 casos de ballenas que han sido localizadas sin vida a orillas de playa, en solo 1 caso se registró evidencia de enmallamiento, el resto se presume, fueron causas naturales. Si bien pueden morir por desorientación, cosa más común en delfines, muchos de los ejemplares varan en las playas ya muertos.
El profesor explicó que en este caso, la institución educativa de la que forma parte, la UMAR, lleva un registro histórico de este tipo de hechos, mismos que se documentan y publican en revistas especializadas de investigación científica, buscando ahondar en las razones de muerte de estos ejemplares.
Abundó que es en esta playa en Zipolite donde a menudo se dan estos casos, ya que se trata de una zona con fuerte oleaje y corrientes, lo que representa una trampa para los organismos marinas, aquí es donde se han registrado el mayor número de ejemplares muertos, pues su intempestivo oleaje propicia que los cadáveres sean arrojados fuera del mar.
Finalmente dio el contexto biológico de este ejemplar, que acostumbra migrar al sur entre noviembre y diciembre para reproducirse en regiones tropicales, las costas oaxaqueñas no son una zona de reproducción pero sí rutas de paso.” Es muy posible que este ejemplar murió mientras migraba de regreso a las aguas frías del Pacífico norte.”

Peso hits new low of 18.8 against dollar Finance Secretary says the currency is "clearly undervalued"

Peso hits new low of 18.8 against dollar

Finance Secretary says the currency is "clearly undervalued"

  8  0
The Mexican peso dropped to a new record low against the dollar yesterday and did the same again today.
The peso slid to 18.8 to the dollar today after dropping to 18.71 yesterday.
Some banks were selling the U.S. currency for more than 19 pesos today.
The peso has lost nearly 8% in the past three weeks. Last year it dropped by nearly 17% against the dollar.
Finance Secretary Luis Videgaray told El Financiero during an interview today that the peso is “clearly undervalued” and that its decline in value is the result of overreaction by the market.
But when markets calm down, he said, the peso will regain strength.
Ongoing dollar auctions to support the currency will continue, said the Finance Secretary, who is attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, but there will be no further budget cuts.
He said there was “definitely” no risk of a financial crisis.
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