
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Oaxaca’s colourful graveyard shift In Mexico’s southern state, the Day of the Dead is unrivalled for its joyous, song-filled festivities BY CHARLIE FIDELMAN, THE GAZETTE NOVEMBER 2, 2012 9:01 PM

Oaxaca’s colourful graveyard shift

In Mexico’s southern state, the Day of the Dead is unrivalled for its joyous, song-filled festivities

Oaxaca’s colourful graveyard shift

Jean-Claude Teyssier

Photograph by: © Jean-Claude Teyssier

When the people of Oaxaca throw a party for their dearly departed, few other Mexicans can hold a candle to the spectacle: It’s mystical, morbid and mucho fun.
Every year around this time, the Dia de los Muertos — Day of the Dead — produces deliciously macabre scenes all over Mexico. Many rate Oaxaca City and surrounding areas as a top destination for the quintessential Mexican holiday, where tradition dictates that families decorate home altars for deceased kin and visit their graves with “offrendas” or offerings of flowers, candles and their favourite foods.
At a popular graveyard in Xoxocotlan, a village near Oaxaca City, in Mexico’s southern state of Oaxaca, there are bound to be mariachi bands strolling by altars and tombs decorated with sugar skulls, marigold petals, sand tapestries and hundreds of candles. Families will sit all-night vigils over adorned graves of their relatives, fuelled by crazy quantities of food, alcohol and song.
No one ever needs an excuse to stop over in Oaxaca City, the state’s capital, known for its colonial architecture, gorgeous arts and handicrafts, and awesome food. The Day of the Dead just adds to the appeal.
We visited several cemeteries in nearby villages, after starting with the Panteon General, Oaxaca’s main cemetery.
It’s best to go after sundown for the sombre but festive effect of hundreds of candles at twilight. You’ll need a light sweater against the night chill and sturdy shoes.
But the graveyards never seem more alive than during this national holiday, celebrated with enough joy to entice the dead back to the living — loud music, eating and, sometimes, drinking to inebriation. This ritual welcoming the souls of the deceased has existed since Aztec times, and later got overlaid with Catholic traditions.
Tourists are welcome, but discretion is wise. Don’t photograph folks without permission. Despite the merriment, families and friends are gathering to mourn and remember their beloved dead.
Another big attraction lies inside the Panteon, which hosts one of the city’s largest altar exhibitions and competitions. Elaborate creations are judged for authenticity and originality. Each one is decked with “offrendas” that include papier-maché figurines, calaveritas (skulls), skeletons dressed in wedding garb, painted mythical fantasy animals and typical farm scenes and, of course, each is garlanded with gold flowers, fruits and bathed in the glow of candles. A sweet smell of incense and flowers fills the air.
By midnight, the graveyard carousing was as strong as ever. A melancholy elderly woman sat on her husband’s grave, lovingly piled with fragrant marigolds shaped in a cross and the things he once loved: cooked dishes like chocolate mole, his preferred brand of pop, Coke, poured in a cup and a cigarette lit in anticipation of his visit.
Nearby, a raucous family passed around shots of mezcal, the local firewater, sopped up with fried plantain and tamales as their kids curled up on blankets, using the gravestones as pillows.
You’ll want to start by getting party paraphernalia at bakeries, markets and shops near the zocolo, the central town square: a crusty sugar-paste skull with your name painted in blazing colour across its forehead, and a costume for sure, like the grim reaper with a scythe or a skeleton with spindly legs and a toothy smile laughing at death.
The holiday, a surreal homage to death popularized in images by artists like Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, is high season so it’s best to reserve airfare well in advance. Festivities last a week from late October to early November, and in some villages continue late into the month.
In fact, preparations can be so lavish that many start weeks in advance with farm fields growing swaths of marigolds. Last month, several trucks carted in loads of coloured sand as groundwork for the elaborate sand tapestries now dotting many city squares. Stroll the streets so you don’t miss these ephemeral, giant paintings made with fine sand, often mocking political figures or reflecting local obsessions.
The costume will come in hand for those who want to participate rather than just watch a comparsa set off. A comparsa is a loosely organized, carnival-style group of costumed revellers. They dance the night through cobblestone streets of various barrios or neighbourhoods, accompanied by music bands and laced with drink. Among the best is the one held in Etla, located about 45 minutes from downtown Oaxaca. Hop a bus, a collectivo (taxi) or join a tour company.
Many Oaxacans say the festival is not really about drinking oneself silly. The Day of the Dead is about preparing the way for the return of the souls. It’s an obligation rooted in belief, they said, that the dead do indeed come back to us. This is a way of maintaining the link between present and past. But whether or not you believe in spirits or other worlds, it’s a hell of a party.
If you go:
There are no direct flights to Oaxaca, but Aeromexico has good connections via Mexico City. Call 800-237-6639 or online,
Shopping: Markets in Oaxaca City are a must experience. The food kiosks are amazing in their variety, and the dishes are extremely well-priced. You can also find a special sweet bread named Pan de Muerto (bread of the dead). The oldest market is 20 de Noviembre, located two blocks south of the zocolo, on the south side of the Benito Juarez Market. Mercado de Artesanas, four blocks southwest of the zocalo on Zaragoza at the corner of J.P. Garcia, also sells handicrafts including leather, pottery and native textiles. The open-air Central de Abastos market is a mecca for foodies with its fresh produce and cooked delicacies, but watch out for pickpockets.
Sleep: If budget permits, go for the five-star Camino Real, a former convent in the heart of town with its landscaped garden full of fountains and a pool, The popular Casa de las Bugambilias bed and breakfast located near the historic centre has accommodations at about $70 U.S. a night. For a shortlist of recommended BB’s:
For tourist information:
Recommended reading: Days of Death, Days of Life: Ritual in the Popular Culture of Oaxaca by Kristin Norget, Columbia University Press, 2006.

Dia de Los Muertos -Nov 1 2012- Oaxaca-Día de los Inocentes- Morning

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Zipolite Beach Billies Carnaval Zipolite November 3rd @ 2pm

Sports, music, sea, sand and sun in Zipolite Carnival 2012

Sports, music, sea, sand and sun in Zipolite Carnival 2012

 With the realization of sporting, cultural, gastronomic exhibitions, music concerts, bikini girl, among other attractions, the first to the November 5 will be held Zipolite Carnival 2012, where highlight joy, harmony and friendliness of its inhabitants.
Yurik Rubio and Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Carnival Zipolite producers, reported that this event will feature rock concerts and electronics, theater, folk groups, gastronomic, coronation of the Queen and princesses and shows aimed at the whole public.
indicated that in your program, this carnival will bring together the arts, culture and sports, for five days, Fiestas de Muertos, will be a new provision to this area and where further seeks to spread this beautiful area which is expected visited by thousands of domestic and foreign tourists.
Producers indicated that for sports and beach girl invited Huaxyacac ​​League, led by José Antonio Pérez Camacho who has already confirmed the completion of the respective tournaments.
Stressed will be the first edition of the Carnival, so search and revive tourism area economy. "We'll do it in November, so that tourists visiting the coast of Oaxaca and the Carnival pursue tourism in the area, like a week ago at the Festival of Puerto Angel 2012 Zicatela Surf and Jazz Festival in Mazunte , among other activities, "they said, and invited them to visit your site
José Antonio Pérez Camacho of the League Huaxyacac ​​confirmed meanwhile conducting tournaments fut Baby child, male and female, as well as the competition of the Bikini Girl where participation is expected also a busy volleyball that will, with the free registrations as in all tournaments in Zipolite convened over several years.
He also thanked the Authority of Puerto Angel and Merchants Union this Recognition by the beautiful region delivered last week by the tourism and sports broadcast over 17 years within the framework of the Festival of Puerto Angel, where we had the visit of thousands of people.
Finally Perez Camacho invited to visit and enjoy the different attractions and events of the Carnival Zipolite 2012, and meet these beautiful beaches, famous not only for the nudity, and making up the Diamond Coast Route surely not regret these five days of activities between the sun, sea and sand.



Carnaval de Zipolite 2012

Carnaval de Zipolite 2012

Carnaval de Zipolite 2012
Según la leyenda los Zapotecas enterraban a sus muertos en Playa Zipolite, que en su lengua quiere decir “Playa de Muertos”, y es que tiene un fuerte oleaje y peligrosas corrientes submarinas que no cualquier nadador experimentado puede librar.
Sin embargo Playa Zipolite es la playa nudista favorita de muchos turistas nacionales y extranjeros. Tiene 2.5 kilómetros y cuenta con bares, hoteles, palapas y restaurantes a lo largo con todo tipo de servicios para pasar un rato muy agradable en este lugar cercano a Puerto Angel.
Si eres fan de esta singular playa te comento que del 1 al 5 de Noviembre de 2012, se llevará a cabo en el Municipio de San Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca, (Zipolite) el Carnaval de Zipolite 2012, donde además de la música, la arena y el mar habrá eventos deportivos, musicales, culturales y mucha comida para disfrutar a lo grande el Carnaval de Zipolite 2012.

Programa del Carnaval de Zipolite 2012

Calendario de Eventos Carnaval Zipolite 2012

¿Cómo llegar a Zipolite?

Zipolite se encuentra a solo 3 kilómetros al oeste de Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, hay vuelos diarios desde la Ciudad de México y de Oaxaca hasta Huatulco o Puerto Escondido, ubicados a una hora aproximadamente de Zipolite.  Si prefieres viajar en autobus en la central de autobuses de Taxqueña, la TAPO, Cristobal Colón, OCC o la Central del Norte, se toman camiones directos a Pochutla via Salina Cruz, el viaje es de 12 horas.
En automovil tomas la Autopista México – Acapulco (Autopista del Sol), cuando llegues a Acapulco salir en el Mundo Imperial y tomar la Carretera Federal hacia Pinotepan Nacional a Puerto Escondido y a Zipolite. Una vez en Pochutla hay taxis colectivos y camionetas que van todos los días a Zipolite. (Foto:


Para un singular destino, nada mejor que un singular lugar para hospedarse: Cabañas Biuzza es un hotel ubicado en las hermosas playas de Zipolite, cuenta con 15 magníficas habitaciones, 2 Suites y todas con vista a la selva tropical a tan solo unos pasos de la Playa.
Cabañas Biuzza es un hotel ecoturístico construido bajo lineamientos internacionales para un mínimo impacto al medio ambiente.  Encuentra más información de este Hotel Aquí.

Eventos Huaxyacac en el Carnaval Zipolite 2012 POR ADMIN – 29 OCTUBRE, 2012 PUBLICADO EN: LAS DESTACADAS, LAS REGIONES Todo está listo con las actividades de la Liga Huaxyacac en el Carnaval Zipolite 2012. Redacción

Eventos Huaxyacac en el Carnaval Zipolite 2012

Todo está listo con las actividades de la Liga Huaxyacac en el Carnaval Zipolite 2012.


Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Lunes 29 de Octubre, 2012.- Con la realización de eventos deportivos, culturales, exposiciones gastronómicas, Conciertos de música, chica bikini, entre otros atractivos, todo está listo para que del primero al cinco de noviembre se efectuará el Carnaval Zipolite 2012, en donde resaltará  la alegría, la armonía y el trato amistoso de sus habitantes.
José Antonio Pérez Camacho de la Liga Huaxyacac  informó que se espera un extraordinario ambiente y participación en  la realización de los torneos de Baby fut infantil, varonil y femenil, así como el Certamen de  la Chica Bikini en donde se espera una concurrida  asistencia, además de que habrá voleibol playero, siendo las inscripciones gratuitas como en todos sus torneos convocados  en Zipolite a lo largo de varios años.
Pérez Camacho invitó a que visiten y disfruten de los diferentes atractivos y eventos del Carnaval Zipolite 2012, y conozcan estas hermosas  playas, famosas no solo por el nudismo, y que conforman la Ruta Costa Diamante, junto con Puerto Ángel y San Agustinillo, que también son verdaderos lugares mágicos por su extraordinaria belleza, sin duda no se arrepentirán de estos cinco días de actividades entre el sol, mar y arena.

La belleza costeña presente en los eventos Huaxyacac en Zipolite.
Yurik Rubio y José Antonio Rodríguez, productores del Carnaval Zipolite, comentaron  que este evento contará con conciertos de música rock y electrónica, teatro, grupos folklóricos, muestras gastronómicas, coronación de la Reyna y princesas así como espectáculos dirigidos a todo el público.
Indicaron que en su programa, este carnaval conjuntará actividades artísticas, culturales y deportivas, que durante cinco días, en Fiestas de Muertos, será una oferta novedosa para esta zona y en donde se busca difundir más aún esta bella zona en donde se espera la visita de miles de turistas nacionales y extranjeros.
Los productores señalaron que para las actividades deportivas y chica playa se ha invitado a la Liga Huaxyacac, que dirige José Antonio Pérez Camacho quien ya ha confirmado la realización de los respectivos torneos.
Resaltaron que será la primera edición del Carnaval, para así buscar reactivar el turismo y economía de la zona. “Lo haremos en noviembre, para que turistas visiten las costas de Oaxaca y con este Carnaval seguir con la oferta turística de la zona, como hace unas  semanas en las Fiestas de Puerto Ángel 2012, el Surf de Zicatela y el Festival de Jazz en Mazunte, entro otras actividades” dijeron  e invitaron a que visiten su sitio

Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Monday Oct. 29, 2012. - With the realization of sporting, cultural, gastronomic exhibitions, music concerts, bikini girl, among other attractions, everything is ready for first through November 5 will be held on Carnival Zipolite 2012, where he highlighted the joy, harmony and friendliness of its inhabitants.

Jose Antonio Perez Camacho informed the League Huaxyacac ​​expected an extraordinary environment and participation in conducting tournaments fut Baby infant male and female, as well as the Girl Bikini Contest where they expect a busy assistance outside there will be beach volleyball, as being free entries in all tournaments in Zipolite summoned over several years.

Perez Camacho invited to visit and enjoy the different attractions and events Zipolite Carnival 2012, and meet these beautiful beaches, famous not only for the nudity, and making up the Diamond Coast Road, along with Puerto Angel and San Agustinillo, which also are truly magical places for its extraordinary beauty, definitely not regret these five days of activities between the sun, sea and sand.

The present coastal beauty Huaxyacac ​​events in Zipolite.
Yurik Rubio and Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Carnival Zipolite producers commented that this event will feature rock concerts and electronics, theater, folk groups, gastronomic, crowning of the Queen and princesses and shows directed to the public.

They indicated that in your program, this carnival will bring together the arts, culture and sports, for five days, Fiestas de Muertos, will be a new provision to this area and where further seeks to spread this beautiful area where the visit is expected of thousands of domestic and foreign tourists.

The producers said that sports and beach girl invited Huaxyacac ​​League, led by José Antonio Pérez Camacho who has already confirmed the completion of the respective tournaments.

They stressed that it will be the first edition of the Carnival, so search and revive tourism area economy. "We'll do it in November, so that tourists visiting the coast of Oaxaca and the Carnival pursue tourism in the area, such as a few weeks ago at the Festival of Puerto Angel 2012 Zicatela Surf and Jazz Festival in Mazunte , among other activities, "they said, and invited them to visit your site

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The Mouthful Girl Eats Bugs Weekly Alibi The first bug I ever ate was in Oaxaca, Mexico. For my degree in anthropology, I'd been studying pre-Columbian nutrition. Prior to Columbus' arrival, there wasn't a lot of large game in this region, but the Aztecs and Mayans still got plenty of protein ...

The Mouthful Girl Eats Bugs
Weekly Alibi

The first bug I ever ate was in Oaxaca, Mexico. For my degree in anthropology, I'd been studying pre-Columbian nutrition. Prior to Columbus' arrival, there wasn't a lot of large game in this region, but the Aztecs and Mayans still got plenty of protein ...


Girl Eats Bugs

Daniella Martin, internet entomophag

Martin and a scorpion snack
Martin and a scorpion snack
You’d be hard pressed to find a more adventurous gourmand than Daniella Martin. She’s the writer of the Girl Meets Bug blog, which chronicles her expansive interest in insects and arthropods—and her passion for eating them. Martin has fried up scorpions, sautéed bee larvae and wrapped up wax worms in a soft taco, all on her way to becoming one of the most charismatic proponents of entomophagy, the practice of eating bugs. She says it’s an ecologically responsible and often delicious choice.

I asked Martin over email about the origins of her passion, her favorite recipe and which bugs she thinks a first-time entomophag should start with.

How did you start eating bugs?

The first bug I ever ate was in Oaxaca, Mexico. For my degree in anthropology, I'd been studying pre-Columbian nutrition. Prior to Columbus' arrival, there wasn't a lot of large game in this region, but the Aztecs and Mayans still got plenty of protein because they ate everything that ran, swam, flew or crawled across their landscape.

When I got to Oaxaca ... I bought chapulines, grasshoppers toasted with chile and lime, from a street vendor, which I wound up sharing with a group of enthusiastic Mayan kids.

I'd always wanted to share what I'd learned about edible insects in college, so I decided to start a blog. I thought it would help people to see a woman cooking and enjoying insects, since women in our society are generally assumed to be bug-phobic.

I've always believed in cultural preservation and in thinking outside the box, valuing the undervalued and acknowledging the overlooked. Eating insects makes sense to me on so many levels.

Why do you think more people should eat bugs?

For one thing, we've been doing it since before we were human. Eating insects literally predates us. As primates, our species has been depending on insects for protein, fat and calories throughout our evolution. It is only in this most recent slice of history (and in this geographical region) that we've stopped. In many parts of the world, it’s still considered normal, just as it has been for millennia.

Besides that, insects are a clean, sustainable, efficient way to raise nutritious animal protein. They taste good and are good for you, so why NOT eat them?

Most importantly, edible insects could be a potential help for world hunger: They are cheap, easy to raise and high in protein, which is a key factor of malnutrition.

Why do you think Americans are usually so unwilling to eat insects and other land-based arthropods?

It's just not a part of our culture. Native Americans were happily eating insects before we got here. Our culture stems from a place and time where insects were likely not abundant enough to be considered worth eating; a place heavily influenced by the Bible, which for the most part forbade the eating of insects. Interestingly, the Bible did sanction the eating of certain species such as locusts (John The Baptist, anyone?), and while other "forbidden foods" have made it onto our plates, somehow insects haven't made the cut yet.

Our culture, practically from birth, drills it into our heads that all insects except for butterflies and ladybugs are somehow bad, dirty, dangerous or gross. Despite the fact that the FDA allows for insect fragments in all of our processed foods, we operate on the deeply held belief that insects aren't safe. The truth is that only a tiny percentage of the millions of species that exist could be harmful to humans. It's a bummer, really.

I hate it when people make blanket statements like, "I hate bugs." Bugs are not only responsible for important aspects of our evolution, they help make our food, get rid of our garbage, and essentially make the ecology go 'round.

Do you recommend a "starter bug" for someone who may be a little squeamish?

The tastiest gateway bug is probably the wax moth larva. In the wild, these caterpillars parasitize bee hives, eating honey and pollen and generally making a nuisance of themselves to bees and beekeepers alike. However, raised in captivity they eat bran and honey.

Sautéed, they taste like almond-y mushrooms; toasted, like crispy, hollow pine nuts.

My favorite recipe is probably toasted wax worms. Sprinkled with a little salt and sugar, they are good on pretty much anything—even ice cream.

Any bug-cooking tips?

In general, insects are good either sautéed like shrimp, or toasted like nuts. Most are good fried, too. But then, what isn't?

Public Comments

    V.21 No.44 | 11/1/2012
    Mealworms give the pasta an extra crunch.


    The Insectivore’s Dilemma

    The Abq BioPark Zoo’s Creeping, Crawling Cuisine dinner wants to help you get past your ingrained squeamishness about eating insects, arachnids and other invertebrates.

    Day of the Dead: Mexicans mourn loved ones Families in Oaxaca remembered their lost loved ones last night in the traditional way. By Lauren Villagran, Correspondent / November 1, 2012

    Latin America Blog

    Day of the Dead: Mexicans mourn loved ones

    Families in Oaxaca remembered their lost loved ones last night in the traditional way.

    By Lauren Villagran, Correspondent / November 1, 2012

    As soon as darkness fell, festive crowds streamed into the candle-lit cemeteries of this southern Mexican city and nearby towns by the thousands.

    Day of the Dead falls on Nov. 2 but the celebrations inOaxaca (pronounced Wah-ha-ca) begin days before with the creation of elaborate altars to the dead in homes. The offerings of flowers, fruit, bread, candles, and prayers rarely fail to include testaments to the more mundane aspects of the departed one’s earthly existence: playing cards and other relics of their old life such as yarn for the grandmother who loved to knit or a favorite sombrero for a father who never took off his hat.
    For many across the country, the pain of a loved one’s death is fresh. More than 50,000 people have died in the six years since President Felipe Calderón deployed the military to fight the country’s brutal drug cartels and criminal organizations.
    However great the collective mourning may be in Mexico, families in Oaxaca reminisced last night about their own lost loved ones in the traditional way: with music, food, tears, and laughter.

    A somber celebration turns festive

    After alters are built, next come the visits to the cemeteries.
    Graveyards at night can seem the scariest of places – good for the setting of a horror film and little else – but in Mexico, on this Catholic holiday, the abundance of flowers, the sweet scent of candles, and low light seem romantic; when the bands strike up, the somber celebration turns festive.
    Those who have lost loved ones hold all-night vigils at their tombs.
    In the small town of Xoxocotlán outside Oaxaca City, locals adorn family graves with marigold-yellow xempazuchitl and magenta-colored “rooster’s crest” flowers. Here, long, flat gravestones are sometimes decorated with finely ground, colored rice and glitter to make images of saints or angels.
    Last night Vicente Bautista and his brothers hovered over the grave of their father, who passed away in June. They drizzled the grains in a pattern to create an image of Santa Muerte, a skeletal representation of “saint death” widely worshiped by the poor and downtrodden in Mexico, but condemned by the Catholic Church.
    “We’re holding vigil for papá until tomorrow morning,” Mr. Bautista says.
    A powerful downpour in the evening left the narrow spaces between graves thick with mud, but that didn’t stop locals and tourists from winding through the dark labyrinth of tombstones to marvel at the decorations.
    The Day of the Dead “is a centuries-old tradition,” says Bautista. “It’s an offering to our dead.”

    Related stories

    An art installation of skeletons at an altar assembled by artists for Day of the Dead celebrations at the National Autonoma University of Mexico is pictured in Mexico City October 31. The Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1 in Mexico, when Mexicans pay homage to their dead relatives by preparing meals and decorating their graves.
    Henry Romero/Reuters


    Wednesday, October 31, 2012

    Zipolite Carnaval 2012

    Zipolite! Do you remember ... May 11/12, 2011?

    Music from the World of Trance

    Zipolite - Oaxaca - Mexico · Mexico · Open Air 
    Sat, 07 May 11, 22:00h - Sun, 08 May, 12:00h

    Halloween in Oaxaca.wmv

    Published on Oct 31, 2012 by 
    Hey, I thought they didn't celebrate Halloween here! I WAS WRONG! They celebrate better than Canada!! Everyone walks the street in a parade and there is all this dancing. It's awesome!

    Programa, Program, Carnaval de Zipolite

    Happy Halloween!!! :) ivan

    Los Malditos Cocodrilos te invitan al Carnaval de Zipolite