
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thousands of endangered sea turtles released into the wild in Mexico Mexican environmentalists release 4,000 endangered Olive Ridley sea turtles into the wild on Mexico's Pacific coast after their eggs were hatched in incubators.

Mexican naval officers joined forces with conservationists and local children on Mexico's Pacific coast on Friday to release 4,000 turtle hatchlings into the ocean after they were born in a government facility.
The sale of turtle eggs is prohibited in Mexico, but that doesn't stop them being sold alongside turtle meat in markets on the coastal plains of Oaxaca, so the eggs were taken from their nests to protect them from looters and hatched in incubators.
Olive Ridley sea turtles have been listed as an endangered species by the World Conservation Union since 1986 because of declining numbers.
The authorities expect that only around 400 of the 4,000 turtles released will survive to be adults, due to threats to their habitat and natural predators.
Contains footage from Reuters.

My Spanish Notes This blog is a collection of the things I learn from talking with native Spanish speakers on my quest to become bilingual. No grammar, no verb conjugations, no "book" Spanish - just real Spanish I learn from real conversations.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

¿Cono o vaso?

Yes, it's that time again where I share some Spanish with you that I learned while I was out and about stuffing my face.

I just recently got a new job, and luckily there's a Mexican restaurant just a few minutes down the street.  Only this isn't just any old Mexican restaurant.

So what's different about this place you ask?  Well, let's start by explaining what a few of those words on the letrero (sign) mean.  A taquería is a place that specializes in tacos, although many of these restaurants (including this one) sell much more than tacos.  I actually talked about taquerías in my last post.  If you missed it, click HERE.

Now let's talk about what a paletería is.  A paletería is place were they sell paletas.  OK, sorry, I know that didn't explain much of anything, but this probably will:

And yes, those are my fingers, just in case you were wondering.

Now you know a paleta is a popsicle.  But paleterías don't just serve popsicles, they serve popsicles made of fresh fruit, and man do they taste good!  You'll find all different kinds of flavors, likedurazno (peach), sandia (watermelon), fresa (stawberry), melon (melon), mango (mango), mango con chile (mango with chile - it's supposed to be spicy but I've never tried it) and a ton of other flavors.  Sandia is my favorite.  Take a look at what's in the fridge:

To actually order one of these tasty treats, you can say something like:

Quiero una de fresa
I want a strawberry one

Deme una de sandia
Give me a watermelon one

Una paleta de melon
One melon popsicle

Don't forget the "por favor", you can never be too polite.

It's also fairly typical for a paletería to sell helado, which is ice cream for us English speakers.  And it should come as no surprise that Spanish also has a word for an ice cream shop - heladería.

Speaking of ice cream, here are a couple of other words you should know if you plan on ordering ice cream in a paletería or heladería.  But first, take a look at this video.  I probably won't need to explain much of anything after you watch it.

Cono - You've probably guessed that this means cone.

Vaso -   Technically this means glass.  It could also be used to ask for a cup made of plastic, styrofoam or  otherwise.  And obviously for a cup of ice cream, even if the cup is actually a bowl. And you will probably see the words taza or copa as well.

And just to be thorough, an ice cream scooper is called a cuchara para helado.  Or a pala para helado.  Don't be surprised if there are other words for it as well.  It's not uncommon for different Spanish speaking countries to use different words.

That's it for today.  If you're still dealing with those hot summer days, run out to the nearest paletería or heladería and use your new Spanish vocabulary to get a nice refreshinghelado or paleta to cool off!

And no, Burger King is not giving me a kick back for posting their video. I wish they were.

¡Hasta la proxima!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Vamos a una lonchera

I love Mexican food.  And as you all know, there are a ton of great Mexican restaurants that can be found all over the country.  But there are also some great places that serve Mexican food that you may have overlooked.

Have you ever seen one of these?

We typically call  these mobile restaurants taco trucks, but they're actually called loncheras.   I'm not sure if this a Mexican term or not, but don't be afraid to use it. If your friends aren't familiar with the term you can have the honor of teaching them some Spanish.

On a side note, this is also a lonchera:

That's right, a lonchera is also a lunch box.  We're not here to talk about  that type of lonchera today, but if you want to take a walk down lunch box memory lane, click here to see a great collection of loncheras retro - retro lunch boxes.

Let's get back on track.

If you've never eaten at a lonchera, you've been missing out.  Depending on where you live, finding alonchera can be like searching for hidden treasure, but once you find one you won't be disappointed.

So what does a lonchera serve you ask? A little bit of everything.  Here's a fairly typical menu:

Personally I almost always go for a torta or a trio of tacos - lenguapollo and barbacoa.

Enough about my food interests.  Maybe I'll talk about that in another post.

lonchera may also be called a taquería, but a taquería can be a lot more than a taco bus.  

In general, a taquería is a restaurant that specializes in tacos.  The taquerías that I've seen often offer other items, but tacos are their primary business. Here in the US a taquería typically looks like a regular  restaurant, but when you're walking the streets of Mexico they might look something like this:

There's also another kind of restaurant you can find in Mexico, a lonchería.  A lonchería is a place you can go to have lunch.

When you're on the go in Mexico and don't have time to sit down and eat, don't worry, you don't have to go hungry.  A quick stop at a puesto de tacos (taco stand) will take care of that hunger.

OK, now I'm getting hungry so it's time to wrap this up.  But before I go I want to share one more thing.

Our Spanish books only give us two options to tell someone that we're hungry.

Tengo hambre
I'm hungry

Tengo mucho hambre
I'm very hungry

Well, yeah, those work and get your point across, but here are a few more ways to say you're hungry that are a lot more fun.

Me muero de hambre
I'm starving

Me estoy muriendo de hambre
I'm starving

The second version of "I'm starving" is a more literal translation, but I think the first version is more common.  Either way, they both work.

Tengo tanta hambre que puedo comer una vaca entera
I'm so hungry I could eat an entire cow

Con esta  hambre me puedo comer una vaca entera
I'm hungry enough to eat an entire cow

Yo con esta hambre y hay fila en la cafeteria
I'm so hungry and there's a line in the cafeteria

Traigo un hambre que parecen dos
I have a hunger that seems like two

This last one just doesn't make sense when you translate it literally.  With that in mind, I'll give you a translation that more or less expresses the same idea.

Traigo un hambre que parecen dos
I'm hungry enough to eat for two

That's it for today!  Go out and grab yourself a bite to eat at your favorite lonchera and enjoy!

Playa Zipolite. Welcome To The Beach Of The Dead!: Everyday Mexican Slang

Playa Zipolite. Welcome To The Beach Of The Dead!: Everyday Mexican Slang: Everyday Mexican Slang FEB 18 Posted by  TC The most popular post on this blog is  Top Ten Mexican Slang . For sure, as happy a...

Playa Zipolite. Welcome To The Beach Of The Dead!: Huatulco, Mexico ThongBoard ┗ Thong Board ...

Playa Zipolite. Welcome To The Beach Of The Dead!: Huatulco, Mexico ThongBoard ┗ Thong Board ...: From: USA Huatulco, Mexico ThongBoard    ┗ Thong Board        ┗   Beaches & places to thong in the Carribean & Mexico ...

Daily Dream Home: Zamel House Pursuitist Displaying its contemporary architecture in Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico, this inspiring residence built on a flag lot boasts an exceptional great room that can be fully open to the outdoors. Hot summer days are kept outside with the help of ...


The Zamel House belongs to an Los Angeles beach-loving couple – she is passionate about architecture, while he loves to surf. This dream couple got their dream home in the shape of a stunning two-story modern residence right on the beach. Part of Mexican studioKontrast Arquitectura‘s portfolio, the 2,936 square foot ocean home surprises exceptional sunset. Displaying its contemporary architecture in Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico, this inspiring residence built on a flag lot boasts an exceptional great room that can be fully open to the outdoors.
Hot summer days are kept outside with the help of natural ventilation, while the panoramas are invited inside through extensive use of glass and site-specific solutions on this blessed site only 12 meters wide. Lifting the house from the ground and connecting it to the beach via a stairway on one side of the pool makes it appear like the house if slightly floating above the views, inducing a feeling of deep relaxation. Tropical plants inside create a comforting atmosphere, while alfresco dining in the pool-side pergola can end any perfect day with success.

Jaqueline Felix-Cocktail Huatulco


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tina Winterlik © 2012 & Zipolite!!! I luv u Tina! & so does Zipolite! Thank you, Tina.


WARNING about the Waves

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2012!/zipolita @zipolita Google+

 So we scared ourselves yesterday. Mother Ocean here can be extremely rough here. The day before had been so different. We'd had theGREATEST time. I had wandered along the beach while my daughter had swam at the beach edge...parallel. It's so strange now that I think about the whole thing.

Originally we were just going for a walk, but she was begging me to swim. We'd already been in earlier at a Ohm Playa and had a lot of fun. We'd come home, showered, got dry clothes and ate. All I wanted to was walk the whole beach as we had not done that since we arrived.

Anyways she was begging me and I so I let her wade along, but Mother Ocean kept coming up and kissing our toes, ankles, knees and then eventually Angel was getting soaked so then I just let her go in. So as I said she was swimming parallel to the shore and having the most fabulous time. I could see how far out she was the entire time and would call her in if I saw big waves or if she was getting a little deep, but she was never very far out.

Today was a different story. I decided to go with her. But we stopped at one point and played a bunch and it was fine as it was super shallow ....a bit too shallow I thought and I was getting a little scraped up on the sand as the bigger waves came in so I said "Let's go farther down"...

As we got farther down where I thought would be good I realized we'd be pulled into the rocks so I said "Let's go a little farther down"

So while I was putting my glasses in a safe place Angel went in and right away got spooked by something and came right out...I guess that should have been a warning!

She wanted to  show it to me,...some strange sea creature...I said it was probably a crab.(Thinking about it now our guardian angels must have been trying to warn me but I wasn't listening.
Note to self: PAY ATTENTION!!)

Anyways we made some mistakes. This area got deep quickly. Right away on the second wave, suddenly I couldn't touch, I looked at Angel and suddenly she was being pulled out farther than me and she came up from the wave panicking and couldn't touch either. I called to her that I was coming, and reached out, grabbed her arm and pulled her in past me towards shore and gave her butt a shove to get her in as far as possible, but I was going out farther and still could not touch.

We got hit with another wave. When we came up, I told her wait for the next wave coming in and swim hard with it...Let it push you.

By this time the lifeguard was blowing his whistle and waving at us.(Luckily we were right by the lifeguard station, because there isn't one at the other end -where we normally swim, right now)

I put my hand up to wave to him to come get us, I couldn't yell, I was out of breath and another wave was coming. Anyways he waved us to the left and so I told Angel swim this way and with the next wave we managed to get in where we could touch and we came out right away. We were both very scared.  I told the lifeguard we normally swim the other end and I got very scared because she was going out and I couldn't touch. He said this part is very difficult but just move over a little bit in front of the white house and we'd be fine.

The thing is we had been just to the side of the white house and were so quickly pulled sideways and out. This is how you must be so careful.

She told me "I was so scared for you Momma!" I said "I was so scared for You!"  She said "Even my best swimming wasn't doing anything!  (And she's a strong little swimmer) I said "I know, Mother Ocean taught us a powerful lesson today. You have to have GREAT RESPECT for her!" She said "I do, I always do"

Anyways, we did go swimming we could get over our fears and not become to frightened we wouldn't go in. The waves have been really rough since we've come...this is some of the roughest time, April is really rough too.

*Swim where the Mexican Locals are Swimming
*Swim Only in Areas You Know Well
*Wade, Wade Until You Know it's Okay to Swim
*By Swimming I mean You Can Still Touch AFTER Each Wave
*If you can't touch DO NOT GO THAT FAR
*By swimming I actually mean Bodysurfing:
         When the wave comes in, you dive into it, or you swim in with it.BODYSURFING, GO UNDER THE WAVE, GO IN WITH THE WAVE-DO NOT GO OUT WITH THE WAVES
*Do Not Get Distracted-(we were looking for that crab)
*USE A BOOGIE BOARD- We didn't bring ours that day. Normally I never let Angel in the water without her board..she's getting taller and stronger now, but I won't let that happen again.
*Watch the Flags- Red, Green & Yellow

We were really lucky that Ray from Cafe Maya-Lifeguard Station was alert and waved us to the left. MUCHAS GRACIAS!!

Normally we swim the Roca Blanca area, and we have a lifeguard friend near there but he's away right now. There is a lifeguard patrol and they ride the beach on an ATV. Remember there are hardly any tourists here, so it's hard to see where people are swimming and when it's safe. They do put up flags, Red, Green, and Yellow so watch the flags. Do Not Get Over Confident- Even if you have swam here for years, it changes EVER SINGLE DAY AND ALL DAY!!

Anyways, we learned some powerful lessons yesterday and I'm grateful the reminders didn't have a harsher penalty. This beach has a name that I don't like...Beach of the Dead. Many many people have drowned here but not lately. The lifeguards work very hard to keep people safe and I saw them training a group just the day before when we were having so much fun.

There are other calmer beaches, I've heard San Agustinillo is really nice, but we've never made it there. Anyways, you can have lots of fun here...just beVERY CAREFUL. Often in the afternoon the tide comes up high onto the beach and makes all these cool puddles and just playing at the shores edge is very refreshing.

In a few months the ocean will get calmer too. And that's another thing, this is our first time here at this time of year, so we are still learning the ropes. Okay, so you've been warned. It's GORGEOUS here, but you have to be alert and educate yourself.  STAY SAFE!!! 


Where in the World is Zipolite???

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2012!/zipolita @zipolita Google+

If you don't know where Zipolite is, here's the Google Map to help you. It's located in the state of Oaxaca, about 1 hour north of Huatulco and 1 hour south of Puerto Escondido.  You can fly into Huatulco and take a taxi to here or grab a bus to Pochutla and then get a collectivo or caminoneta. If it is your first time, I'd take a taxi, it's like $50 I think. It's normally $30 from Huatulco but I think they get cha at the airport. Anyhow you will arrive safe and it's only about a short trip, just a bit windy.

Otherwise if your a seasoned traveller, fly into Mexico City and bus toOaxaca City. You can catch a van from there down to Pochutla and then take the a collectivo or caminoneta to Zipolita.

Of course you can take a taxi from Pochutla too. I always do the first time as I have too much luggage, no matter how little I try to bring, I'm so tired.

There are some good flights on Flight Centre with Sunwing to Huatulco coming up so check them out!!

View Larger Map

Zipolite - Photos from the Beach

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2012!/zipolita @zipolita Google+

 We were offline for 3 days here. They are working on the road between Huatulco and here right now and they broke something. I'm glad it's fixed. Here are some photos of the last few days.

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

OMG!!!--LOL!!  Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012