
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

10 Things You Should Never Pack in a Checked Bag

10 Things You Should Never Pack in a Checked Bag

rss link Airfarewatchblog

10 Things You Should Never Pack in a Checked Bag

Posted by Caroline Costello on Tuesday, January 21, 2014

(Photo: bradleygee via flickr/CC Attribution)
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) maintains a complex system of rules for 
transporting both carry-on items and checked bags on flights. Some objects are prohibited 
on planes at all times, while others may be checked and not carried, or vice versa. Confused?
 "When in doubt, leave it out," says the TSA.

If only it were that simple. Packing the wrong thing in your checked bag has the potential 

to ruin your trip—especially if that bag gets lost, broken, or roughed up by baggage
 handlers. A simple rule of thumb: Pack anything of value or importance in your carry-on
 bag, in case your luggage gets lost by the airline. But there's more to keep in mind. Here,
 in no particular order, are 10 things that you should always leave out of your checked bag.
Note: This article is presented to you as part of our "Flashback Friday" initiative, in which 
we highlight some of the most popular stories from our archives. It was originally published
 by SmarterTravel in December 2012.

(Photo: Gnilenkov Aleksey via flickr/CC Attribution)
Jewelry and Valuables
Of course, it's not probable that your checked bag will be lost by an airline. According to a
 report by SITA, a company that gathers statistics for airlines, .012 percent of passengers'
 bags were reported damaged, lost, or delayed in 2010. But if you happen to fall in that 
.012 percent and your checked bag contains an antique watch, a family photo album, or 
your wedding ring, you're in trouble.
Most carriers require passengers to submit claims forms when bags are lost. Your airline 
will then tally the depreciated value of the contents of your missing suitcase—if your claim
 is accepted, that is. Airlines will pay no more than $3,300 per passenger for bags lost on 
domestic flights. All in all, it's unlikely that you'll receive compensation equal to the full value
 of your lost possessions.
We recommend leaving jewelry and other valuables at home when traveling, but if you must
 bring these items on the road, be sure to store them safely in your carry-on bag.

(Photo: swimparallel via flickr/CC Attribution)
Identification, Passports, Boarding Passes, and Essential Documents
All necessary documents, whether they're work or insurance papers or other sensitive
 information, should be kept with you in your carry-on bag. But there is another solution—back 
it up. If you plan to put papers of importance in checked luggage, keep copies (either hard 
photocopies or copies on a flash drive) on your person.
Bottom line: Any important documents you've packed in your checked luggage should be 
photocopies, not originals. And any documents that include sensitive or private information 
should be kept out of your checked luggage altogether.

(Photo: jollyUK via flickr/CC Attribution)
Cash and Credit Cards
All checked bags are screened electronically, but select checked bags are opened by TSA 
agents and screened by hand. When packing a checked bag, be aware that a security 
agent—a stranger, essentially—may be rummaging through your things at some point. 
There have been reports of TSA workers stealing electronics, money, and other valuables 
from passengers' bags; as expected, such occurrences are rare. But as a precaution, your 
cash, checkbook, and credit cards should be kept with you in your carry-on bag.
There's always a chance that your suitcase could get damaged en route, too. If a busted 
zipper befalls your bag, any packed cash will be easy pickins for thieves.

(Photo: Janitors via flickr/CC Attribution)
Laptop and Electronics
Take it from the TSA. A representative from the agency offered this advice for flyers: 
"Electronics ... should be packed in carry-on luggage because they are typically fragile, 
expensive, and more prone to breaking if transported in checked baggage." The threat 
to your electronics is two-fold: you need to protect your devices from burglary (see 
previous slide) as well as breakage. No matter how many beach towels you've wrapped 
around your laptop, it's still at the mercy of baggage handlers and bumpy flights while in 

(Photo: glasseyes view via flickr/CC Attribution/Share Alike)
Lighters, Matches, and Flammable Items
The TSA has a handy checklist of prohibited items on its website. Some of the objects 
on the list are as obscure as they are obvious: gun powder, hand grenades, tear gas, 
vehicle airbags (packed to protect a checked laptop, perhaps?). But items of note include
 lighters, matches, and flammable objects, which anyone going on a camping trip (or 
travelers who smoke) might need to pack.
Lighters without fuel may be packed in checked luggage. However, lighters with fuel may 
only be packed in checked luggage if they're in a Department of Transportation-approved 
case; an example of this is the Zippo Air Case. Matches are prohibited in checked baggage, 
and flammable items, such as paint or liquid fuel, should be avoided as well.

(Photo: Akirahnu via flickr/CC Attribution/Share Alike)
All of Your Clothes
If your luggage disappears into the mysterious black hole of missing checked bags, you'll 
thank your former self for putting a clean pair of underwear and some socks aside in your 
carry-on bag. An entire outfit—enough to get you through a day or two at your destination
 in case your airline loses your suitcase—is even better. Other daily essentials, like a 
toothbrush, a comb, key toiletries (though liquids must be in containers no larger than 
3.4 ounces), and whatever else you might need if your bag gets lost should be placed in
 your carry-on as well.

(Photo: CarbonNYC via flickr/CC Attribution)
There's a theme here. If you can't live comfortably without it, don't pack it in your checked 
bag. That old cliche, "better safe than sorry," should be lingering in the back of your mind 
when you're organizing your luggage. Accordingly, prescription drugs are best kept on your 
Passengers are permitted to bring liquid medications onto planes, even if they exceed the 
3.4-ounce limit for carry-on liquids. But you'll need to officially declare your oversized liquid 
medications when going through the checkpoint. Tell a security officer stationed at the 
checkpoint that you're carrying liquid medications, and hand them over for inspection. It 
helps to have a doctor's note or a medical ID card, but it's not required. The TSA also 
suggests that travelers label medications to facilitate the screening process.

(Photo: AMagill via flickr/CC Attribution)
Breakable Items
Don't blame it all on the baggage handlers. Sure, they've been known to bust up a prized 
possession or two. But baggage handlers, under pressure to load hundreds of bags onto 
a plane in a short amount of time, are just trying to get your flight off the runway—with 
your luggage onboard. Sometimes this necessitates a good throwing arm. (Read more 
inConfessions of an Airline Baggage Thrower.)
Fragile items should always be packed in your carry-on bag. If you must bring home that 
bottle of red you picked up in Bourdeaux, use a product like the VinniBag, which will protect 
the contents of your bag in case the bottle breaks.

(Photo: adpowers via flickr/CC Attribution)
If you bucked the digital trend and snap travel photos on a camera that takes film, steer clear 
of storing undeveloped rolls in your checked bag. The X-ray machines that the TSA uses to
screen checked bags can damage film. Instead, put your film in your carry-on bag and ask the 
TSA agent at the security checkpoint to inspect your film by hand. The TSA suggests that
 travelers pack film in clear canisters or clear plastic bags to expedite the inspection process, 
but this isn't required.

(Photo: Wesley Fryer via flickr/CC Attribution)
Food and Drink
According to the TSA, flyers should avoid putting food and beverages in checked bags.
 Passengers aren't prohibited from storing chow in checked bags, but it's a wise suggestion 
nevertheless. Bottled drinks are likely to explode or crack in transit, thus ruining the cashmere 
sweater tucked in your bag. And if your flight is delayed or your luggage gets lost for a while, 
your packed food might spoil.
If you're traveling internationally, you may be prohibited from bringing food to your destination.
 Each country has its own rules about what kinds of foods can be brought across borders. 
Check the embassy website of the country you're visiting for more information.

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Mermejita Circus

Friday, January 24, 2014

Anyone else Scared by Jan. 21road block?

Regina, Canada
posts: 19
Save this Post
Anyone else Scared by Jan. 21road block
Have been home 2 days now and haven't seen anything about the road block!!! Am I the only one that was scared half to death???

Salmon Arm, Canada
posts: 751
11. Re: Anyone else Scared by Jan.21road block
I have a feeling there is more to the lippfamilies encounter with a road block that would make them stay away from Mexico. And that is fine. If you can go by their travel map they haven't traveled extensivly so maybe a bit of culture shock as well?. Personally the charm of a "machette " is just another interesting site that you can see in almost every other winter/tourist destination.
Mike :)

Winnipeg, Manitoba
posts: 502
reviews: 3
12. Re: Anyone else Scared by Jan.21road block
As someone who was on the edge of a riot in Oaxaca City a few years ago, let me share my thoughts. The teachers were protesting subsidies to private schools & President Calderon had come to Oaxaca on an unrelated matter
This link will give more info
We couldn't leave downtown b/c it had been blocked off - tear gas was used, & we were in movement en masse trying to stay out of the way. The local shop keepers & restauranters made sure we were kept out of the way of any "action". I would have no issue with going back to Oaxaca again some day, its a beautiful city & so are the people. All of us who are able to travel to Mexico, are so privileged, we need to have an understanding that there are may people in Mexico who have very little, & I am honoured that we are able to share their country with them.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Oaxaca Whistle Language Struggles to Survive MANUEL RUEDA - 01/22/2014, 08:02AM / Updated 01/22/2014, 06:35PM

Oaxaca Whistle Language Struggles to Survive
MANUEL RUEDA - 01/22/2014, 08:02AM / Updated 01/22/2014, 06:35PM

The isolation of the Mexican town San Pedro Sochiapam, nested deep in the Oaxaca mountains, has probably helped to preserve its most famous cultural asset: A unique whistle language that enables people to communicate like birds.
"I think that it's been around ever since this town existed," said Marcelino Flores, a 67-year-old farmer, who studies the local Chinanteco language.
"A relative of my wife's who was 100 recently died, and she said that ever since she was small the police would call each other by whistling," Flores said.
San Pedro's "whistle language," known locally as El Chiflido, is actually a whistled form of the Chinanteco language.
When they whistle, chiflido users emulate the tonal sounds of Chinanteco, an indigenous language with 14 tonal combinations that sounds somewhat like Thai to the untrained ear.
Marcelino Flores is one of the last users of the whistled form of Chinanteco
Chiflido users can whistle thousands of ideas over long distances, and hold a complex conversation without uttering a single word.
"People in other towns are amazed at our ability to whistle, its something that makes me proud" said Flores, who has been visited by linguists from New Zealand, Canada and the U.S.
Like many indigenous tongues in Mexico however, the chiflido is slowly retreating into extinction. Flores estimates that some 150 people in San Pedro can use the chiflido. But Mark Sicoli, a Georgetown University linguist who specializes in Chinanteco, says that he found just seven senior citizens and two young people who were fluent in the whistle language.
“If one of those guys gets work out of town, then the language is under threat,” Sicoli said in a phone interview.
Part of the problem is that the whistle language no longer suits the lifestyle of local residents.
Its main purpose according to linguists, is to enable communication between farmers who are separated by long distances and deep valleys. It is also used by hunters who split away from each other, as they chase animals in the forests that surround San Pedro.
However, as the residents of San Pedro turn away from an agricultural lifestyle and migrate to cities, the chiflido is not as needed.
The Mexican government hasn't done much to rescue this tradition either, unlike Spain, which has invested heavily in saving a rare whistle language used in the Canary Islands.
Currently there is no program to teach the chiflido in the local school. And women don't practice the whistle language because locals consider it improper for females to whistle.
"Young men can do some whistling, but it's a weak form of whistling that goes no longer than 30 feet," Flores said.
"I am afraid this tradition is going to disappear."
But there is some hope.
See the above video for more on this unique whistle language, and two young people who are actually using it.

Fire dancing in Zipolite, Mexico

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Proyectos ecològicos a bajo costo para preservar Zipolite, Mazunte y Puerto Angel...o si te interesa participar en la construcciòn y aprendizaje de una ecoaldea en Zipolite comunicate....

Proyectos ecològicos a bajo costo para preservar Zipolite, Mazunte y Puerto Angel...o si te interesa participar en la construcciòn y aprendizaje de una ecoaldea en Zipolite comunicate....

Green projects at low cost to preserve Zipolite, Mazunte and PuertoAngel ... or if you are interested in participating in building and learning in an ecovillage Zipolite comunicate ....,es

Livelula bar los miercoles

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Valentina Degan los esperamos con el SUSHI en el RESTAURANT-BAR "La PasiOn" de DOMINGO a JUEVES !!! no falten !!! ...y Mojito 2 X 50 pesos !!!!

los esperamos con el SUSHI en el RESTAURANT-BAR "La PasiOn" de DOMINGO a JUEVES !!! no falten !!! ...y Mojito 2 X 50 pesos  !!!!


Published on Jan 21, 2014
Elnézést hogy spanyolul beszélnek és angol feliratos. nem forditottam le, mert a képek magukért beszélnek. Ha valaki szeretne a programban részt venni, jobb ha beszél spanyolul, csak a repülőjegyet kell megvegye, cserébe ingyen szállást és étkezést biztósitanak. Sok svéd fiatal jön erre a programra, nagyrészük megbánja a körülmények miatt. Ezt csak azért közöltem ha valakit érdekel, utána ne engem hibáztasson hogy az igazságot elhallgattam, he he he
Piña Palmera egy rehabilitációs és oktatási központ a fogyatékos gyermekek és felnőttek számára. Ez egy privát jótékonysági szervezet, amely 1980 óta létezik, és a jótékonyságra feliratkozott több mint ötezer ember. Legtöbbje a személyzetnek önkéntes. Támogatója a svéd jótékonysági intézet, és nem áll kapcsolatban semmiféle politikai vagy vallási csoporttal. Jelenleg mintegy 350 ember élvezi a programot.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Naked in Zipolite

Naked in Zipolite, beach hippie
Posted By admin On July 20, 2013 @ 11:27 a.m. In Culture, Economy, State, Featured, General, Municipal, Regional, Travel | 1 Comment
Peaceful settlement of the Oaxacan coast is famous for its nude beach, where foreign and domestic visitors discover that not only leave clothes and modesty aside but bare their senses
Armando Rodríguez Gutiérrez
zipolite-095[1] ZIPOLITE , this peaceful town in the Oaxacan coast is famous for its nude beach, where foreign and domestic visitors discover that not only leave clothes and modesty aside but bare their senses to immerse yourself in an exotic paradise.
Zipolite is definitely far from the traditional beach destination packed with tourists and luxury hotels, it is rather a place to have intimate contact with nature, to escape from it all and enjoy the simple.
Though this town is predominantly rustic and has no great tourist infrastructure, its people say its visitors are captivated by its charm and stay longer than planned. ..

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Saturday class and defense Empowerment of Women at 11:30 @ livelula bar (Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico) Donations accepted! Sábado, clase Empoderamiento y defensa de la Mujer a las 11:30@bar livelula (Zipolite, Oaxaca, México) Donaciones aceptadas! Saturday , Women's Self Empowerment/ Self Defense class at 11:30 livelula bar (zipolite, oaxaca, mexico) Donations accepted!

Saturday class and defense Empowerment of Women at 11:30 @ livelula bar (Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico) Donations accepted! 
Saturday, Women's Self Empowerment / Self Defense class at 11:30 livelula bar (zipolite, oaxaca, mexico) Donations accepted!

Sábado, clase Empoderamiento y defensa de la Mujer a las 11:30@bar livelula (Zipolite, Oaxaca, México) Donaciones aceptadas!
Saturday , Women's Self Empowerment/ Self Defense class at 11:30 livelula bar (zipolite, oaxaca, mexico) Donations accepted!

Relax 8 Hours-Relaxing Nature Sounds-Study-Sleep-Meditation-Water Sounds-Bird Song

Thursday, January 16, 2014

1 Hour Chill Out Music-Study-Gaming-Utopian Sounds Super Soul Mix-Spa-Beach Music


3 Encuentro de circo "Mazunte-Mexico" 2013

Zipolite X Nagorks X Nagorks










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Lyctum - Live Set - Universo Paralello 2014

Bahias De Huatulco - a new destination. - Scuba Board Hi everybody, we're writing this post not just to promote our diving center but the whole area of Bahías de Huatulco - Oaxaca - Mexico. Huatulco is.

Bahias De Huatulco - a new destination. - Scuba Board
Hi everybody, we're writing this post not just to promote our diving center but the whole area of Bahías de Huatulco - Oaxaca - Mexico. Huatulco is.

Welcome to ScubaBoard, an online scuba diving forum community where you can join over 205,000 divers diving from around the world. If the topic is related to scuba diving, this is the place to find divers talking about it. To gain full access to ScubaBoard (and make this large box go away) you must register for a free account. As a registered member you will be able to:
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Results 1 to 1 of 1

  1. #1
    New User

    Has not set a "status" 
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Bahias de Huatulco
    2,500 - 4,999

    Icon4 Bahias De Huatulco - a new destination.

    Hi everybody,

    we're writing this post not just to promote our diving center but the whole area of Bahías de Huatulco - Oaxaca - Mexico.

    Huatulco is not very known for diving but in reality is a really nice place to be underwater.
    Vulcanic rocks formations, lot of hard coral and most important a really impressive quantity of underwater life!

    We've more than 30 dive sites here, more than half inside the limits of our National Park, with a depth in between 30ft and 90ft with a visibility in between 20ft and 35ft.

    Temperature: Winter in between 64Fº and 78Fº (3mm wetsuit) - Summer in between 80Fº and 90Fº (no wetsuit).

    In Bahias de Huatulco we have been honored with the Certificate EarthCheck Gold 2012, which recognizes that our community is sustainable, neutral in carbon emissions, and has clean beaches. This makes it a comfortable and safe place for all the tourists that visit us.

    About underwater life Huatulco is a paradise, hundreds of "common" fishes like Butterflies, Trumpets, Angels, Puffers, Porcupines, Sergeant Mayors, Moray eels plus sting rays, eagle rays, mantas, sharks, whale sharks and during the winter the Humpback whales passing by out of our shores.

    If you have questions, doubts or just want to know more about dives in Huatulco, feel free to respond to this post, we'll be here to help you.

    We hope to see more divers discovering our beautiful waters and not just thinking about our business but for sharing the passion that we have for the sea!

Argonnight - Let The Games Begin 2014 (Dj Set)

Terrenoaxacosta Vasquez,gl Saludos a los del grupo, Hoy les dejo una postal de Mazunte (Punta Cometa)...espero que les guste. Greetings to the group, Today I leave a postcard from Mazunte (Punta Cometa) ... I hope you like it. Desde este lugar se puede visualizar Zipolite y su Roca Blanca.. From here you can see Zipolite and Roca Blanca ..,es

Saludos a los del grupo, Hoy les dejo una postal de Mazunte (Punta Cometa)...espero que les guste. Greetings to the group, Today I leave a postcard from Mazunte (Punta Cometa) ... I hope you like it. Desde este lugar se puede visualizar Zipolite y su Roca Blanca.. From here you can see Zipolite and Roca Blanca ..,es

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Latest Mexico travel warning excludes most tourism destinations By Gay Nagle Myers

Latest Mexico travel warning excludes most tourism destinations

By Gay Nagle Myers
The Mexico travel warning issued by the U.S. State Department on Jan. 9 contained no essential changes or surprises from the last one that was issued on July 15.

Still exempt are Cabo San Lucas, La Paz, San Miguel de Allende, Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico City, Riviera Nayarit, Oaxaca, Huatulco, Puerto Escondido, Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Tulum, Merida and Chichen Itza.

The latest warning said there is escalated cartel violence in the northern border regions and in areas of the Mexican state of Michoacan. Tourists are not targets but are advised to defer travel to those areas and exercise caution if traveling there.

"Millions of U.S. citizens safely visit Mexico each year. The Mexican government makes a considerable effort to protect U.S. citizens and other visitors to major tourist attractions, and there is no evidence that Transnational Criminal Organizations [cartels] have targeted U.S. visitors and residents based on their nationality," the advisory said.

Resort areas and tourist destinations generally do not see the levels of drug-related violence and crime reported in the border region and in areas along major trafficking routes, according to the warning.

The Mexican government has deployed federal police and military personnel throughout the country as part of its efforts to combat the TCOs.

The Pacific coast state of Guerrero continues to deal with problems on its northern and southern borders and travelers are warned to stay away from those areas. The warning cautions visitors to remain within the tourist areas in Acapulco, Ixtapa, Taxco and Zihuatanejo.

The same holds true for Mazatlan in the state of Sinaloa. As in the previous warning, travelers are advised to stay within the Zona Dorada and the historic town center, but to defer nonessential travel to the rest of the state.

Likewise, the State Department said travelers should "exercise caution" in Monterrey and defer nonessential travel to the rest of the state of Nuevo Leon.

Cities and areas that U.S. citizens should avoid or be particularly vigilant in include Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Ensenada, Chihuahua City, Torreon, Saltillo, Piedras Negras, Ciudad Acuna, towns in the eastern portions of the state of Mexico, the eastern edge of Sonora, Veracruz and Zacatecas.

Follow Gay Nagle Myers on Twitter @gnmtravelweekly.

viaje a puerto angel

Mazunte, Oaxaca, a lovely beach :)

MAZUNTE, Published on Jan 14, 2014 dedicado a YAOZIUATL, BRIAN S JUNCK y JORGE REYES