
A little about Playa Zipolite, The Beach of the Dead . . .

Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. A little bit about my favorite little get-away on this small world of ours.

Zipolite, a sweaty 30-minute walk west from Puerto Angel, brings you to Playa Zipolite and another world. The feeling here is 1970's - Led Zep, Marley, and scruffy gringos.

A long, long time ago, Zipolite beach was usually visited by the Zapotecans...who made it a magical place. They came to visit Zipolite to meditate, or just to rest.

Recently, this beach has begun to receive day-trippers from Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido, giving it a more TOURISTY feel than before.

Most people come here for the novelty of the nude beach, yoga, turtles, seafood, surf, meditation, vegetarians, discos, party, to get burnt by the sun, or to see how long they can stretch their skinny budget.

I post WWW Oaxaca, Mexico, Zipolite and areas nearby information. Also general budget, backpacker, surfer, off the beaten path, Mexico and beyond, information.

REMEMBER: Everyone is welcome at Zipolite.


Saturday, June 30, 2012


Lyoban Hostel, Zipolite Beach, Oaxaca, Mexico
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Lyoban is originally a zapotecan word (LYO-BAAN).
The word refers to a holy place where the "cloud-men" arrived when they were able to achieve the higest level of spirituality. There they stayed, in the Lyo-baan for eternity. Maintaining peace and balance, day by day.
 LYOBAN has been our home for more than 15 years
We are proud to say that we have hosted thousands of guys from all over the world. Many of them return every year. Through the years we have tried to create a great environment for our visitors. We want you to feel like you are at home.
We are convinced that we are one of the cheapest traveling options, but our first concern is to our customers. We want you to feel satisfied and safe while you are visiting us. We are always improving the quality of service and hospitality to better serve you.
Front view of Lyoban Hostel, Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico
We are open all year and we would prefer that you make a reservation before you arrive. This will insure that you have a room when you arrive. However reservations are not required.
We are located in the center of town next to the local church and we are well known by the local taxi services.

Mapa de Playa Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico
Click for a larger version!!
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Life on Death Beach Help me send my film about the lifeguards that saved my life to film festivals - Ayúdame a difundir mi documental sobre los salvavidas que me salvaron la vida.


Life on Death Beach

k9boy said 1 day ago
In 2002, I volunteered at Pina.It is a magical place with the best and most humane staff, volunteers and patients. am hemiplegic with a brain injury and i dream of returning to Pina and my favorite beach.

rbg144 said 1 day ago
I would love to receive a copy of the movie, hold the other goodies.
…..and yes onward with your film in the richest field of luck

Jeff said 2 days ago
Thanks to everyone that has supported and continues to support this project. It is so great to be here and hear all the energy around seeing the first film about this town. I went to the radio last night to advertise the screening and just uploaded a picture and some other videos into the gallery. Love to everyone.

lesleyarakphoto said 2 days ago
Yay, Jeff!

Joshua said 6 days ago
Yippity Skippity.

angiehinh said 11 days ago
Woot! Great job, Jeff!

dgorlin said 12 days ago
Go, Jeff! We’re proud of you!

sinthea said 15 days ago
Great job, Jeff!!!! Wishing you luck to reach your goal. Yes, praise the work of lifeguards! -one of my friends voluteers in Zipolite. And thank you for getting the word out about Pina Palmera! I have the privilege to do short-term volunteering, offering massage up to twice a year for the residents, the workers and other volunteers. They do amazing work for the community it’s the least I could do to give back :)

Scott said 15 days ago
Way to go Jeff! Break a leg at the festivals!

One World Youth Project said 16 days ago
Happy to support this amazing guy. His film is fantastic and with your help, it is definitely going to go places. Good luck, Jeff!

Adam said 16 days ago
Congratulations Jeff! I am so proud of you and excited to see the film.

conor.godfrey said 17 days ago
Way to go Jeff! Can’t wait to see it.

Ivan said 17 days ago
Ivan says: Lifeguards do a GOOD job. Sometimes a tourist is stupid. It is good for a Lifeguard to eat. Sometimes Lifeguards are thirsty, too.

digenti said 19 days ago
Please support this work!

john.stewart said 19 days ago
Terrific cause and great effort by a dedicated filmmaker!

surogers1 said 19 days ago
Good work!

LuvYah777 said 20 days ago
Thanks for what you are doing and allowing us to be a small part of it!

barbara61 said 22 days ago
Good going, Jeff, we are pleased to support this film

Piña Palmera

November Video: Tolo habla de Jaime/Tolo talks about Jaime

Pablo and Manuel

Life on Death Beach Trailer #2

The Blind Leading The Blind (excerpt from Life on Death Beach)


Panteon from jeff arak on Vimeo.
Shot with a Panasonix DVX100b

Help make it happen for Jeff Arak! Contribute to Life on Death Beach

Playa Zipolite: Life on Death Beach Help me send my film about the lifeguards that saved my life to film festivals - Ayúdame a difundir mi documental sobre los salvavidas que me salvaron la vida.

Hi, I'm Jeff Arak.
Jeff Arak
A lifeguard keeps watchFive years ago, I set out to make a documentary about a group of volunteer lifeguards that saved my life in 2006.
Along the way, I learned that the lifeguards weren't the only group in Zipolite doing important work and not getting paid enough to do it. Piña Palmera works with people with disabilities and their families throughout the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico.
A group of parents meets with Piña Palmera
The film that I created, Life on Death Beach, is an intimate exploration of life in Zipolite and the people that live there. You can see a trailer here. I am raising money to send this film to film festivals around the world. If you are interested in promoting water safety or disability rights; or if you are moved by the stories in the film, please consider donating to the campiagn.
There are some very exciting rewards you will receieve in exchange for your contributions that will bring the beach to you and allow you to feel and experience life on death beach. I am very excited to report that Marine Rescue Products, one of the leading suppliers of lifeguarding equipment in the USA, has graciously agreed to provide equipment to match donations for this campaign. You can read about all of the available perks to the right of this panel.
If you would like to donate directly to the Zipolite lifeguards or to Piña Palmera, you can do that at the links below.
Thank you for your support.

Jeff Arak
May, 2012

Club Tortuga (USA non-profit fiscal sponsor of the Zipolite Lifeguards)
Hola, yo soy Jeff Arak.
Jeff Arak
A lifeguard keeps watchCinco (5) años atrás, me lance a hacer un documental sobre un grupo de salvavidas voluntarios que me salvaron la vida en el 2006.
En el camino, aprendí que los salvavidas no eran el unico groupo en Zipolite que estaba haciendo un trabajo importante sin una compensación adecuada. Piña Palmera trabaja con personas con discapacidades y sus familias a lo largo de la costa sur de Oaxaca, México.
A group of parents meets with Piña Palmera
La película que hicé, Viviendo en la Playa de la Muerte, es una exploración íntima de la vida en Zipolite y sus ciudadanos. Puede ver el "trailer" de la película aquí. Estoy recaudando fondos para enviar la película a diferentes festivales de cine en todo el mundo. Si usted está interesado en promover seguridad en el agua, o derechos de las personas con discapacidades o, si le inspiran las historias del documental, por favor considere hacer una donación a la campaña.
Hay muy buenos premios que podrá recibir como recompensa por su apoyo, que seguro traerán la playa hasta usted y le permitirán que sienta y viva la playa de la muerte. Es muy emocionante para mi anunciar que Marine Rescue Productsuno de los principales proveedores de equipos desalvavidas en los EE.UU., ha amablemente accedido a suministrar equipos para igualar las donaciones de esta campaña. Puede leer acerca de todos los beneficios disponibles a la derecha de este panel.
Si prefiere donar directamente a los salvavidad de Zipolite o a Piña Palmera, puede hacerlo seleccionando los enlaces que estan abajo
Gracias por su solidaridad.

Jeff Arak
mayo, 2012

Club Tortuga (patrocinador fiscal de EE.UU que apoya a los salvavidas de Zipolite)

Buena Onda Surf Project--Coco Nogales

Buena Onda Surf Project--KIDS Trailer

Our Mission
Nuestra Misión

To share the Buena Onda spirit of surfing with deserving boys and girls from communities in California and Oaxaca, México. Through the experience of surfing, we strive to empower our youth with life skills that build self-confidence, self-respect,respect for others, and an appreciation for the ocean and the environment.

Compartir el espíritu Buena Onda del surf con niños y niñas de comunidades en California y Oaxaca, México. A través de la experiencia del surf, nos esforzamos en darle a nuestros jóvenes herramientas de vida que generan confianza en si mismos, respeto por ellos y por los demás y un aprecio por el océano y el medio ambiente.

Buena Onda Surf Project Fundraising Fiesta This Evening! June 30th, 2012 by Bret

Buena Onda Surf Project Fundraising Fiesta This Evening!

June 30th, 2012 by Bret · No Comments

The Buena Onda Surf Project, a bi-national organization creating positive change through surfing for deserving kids from the coastal communities of Oaxaca, México, is having a “board benefit fiesta” this evening from 6-10pm at Aviator Nation on Abbot Kinney.
Buena Onda Surf Project
The event will feature drinks, music, piñatas, a raffle and silent auction. Proceeds will benefit the purchase and shipment of 20 surfboards and other goods to equip La Casa Buena Onda in Oaxaca. A $20 donation is requested at the door.
Peep the Buena Onda Surf Project website to see what they are all about!
Buena Onda Surf Project Fundraising Fiesta
1224 Abbot Kinney
Venice 90291

Cannon Ball King - Reggae Happyness (Camel 1969).

Gaylads - My Jamaican Girl (Blank 1971).

Ethiopians - Hong Kong Flu (JJ 1969).

Unforgettables - Many A Call (Angen 1975).

MEX- Playa Zipolite, Southern Oaxaca, Mexico, On The Pacific (playlist)

Gobierno de Oaxaca, Programa de reactivación económica, Puerto ... Anuncia una bolsa inicial de 40 mdp a fondo perdido, en apoyo a mil empresarios de Pochutla, Huatulco, Puerto Ángel, Puerto Escondido, Mazunte, Zipolite, ...


Gobierno de Oaxaca, Programa de reactivación económica, Puerto Escondido

Anuncia una bolsa inicial de 40 mdp a fondo perdido, en apoyo a mil empresarios de Pochutla, Huatulco, Puerto Ángel, Puerto Escondido, Mazunte, Zipolite, Zicatela y San Agustinillo.
Puerto Escondido, Oax, 19 de junio de 2012

Bodyboarders raise funds to reconstruct Puerto Escondido The International Bodyboarding Association (IBA) is looking to raise US$100000 for the base funding to stage the IBA Zicatella Pro, at Puerto Escondido, from ...,87055

Bodyboarders raise funds to reconstruct Puerto Escondido

Posted by Puerto Bill 
Map of Puerto Escondido Centro

Bodyboarders raise funds to reconstruct Puerto Escondido
June 29, 2012 06:34PM
The International Bodyboarding Association (IBA) is looking to raise US$100,000 for the base funding to stage the IBA Zicatella Pro, at Puerto Escondido, from August 8 – August 18, 2012. []

I think the state and municipality should dedicate Punta Colorada in perpetuation forever to the body boarders. That way the surfers won't get in their way. They deserve it after raising all this money. The life guards can even build a tower at Punto Colorada.

zicatela puerto escondido ISLAND LIFE PORTRAITS He is really cool, down to earth, Professional Surfer from Zicatela in Puerto Escondido Mexico. Puerto is world famous and better known as the Mexican Pipeline.


Mexican Pipeline Master

Wake Up World! Acapulco has waves and this is Angelo Lozano.. He is a really cool, down to earth, Professional Surfer from Zicatela in Puerto Escondido Mexico. Puerto is world famous and better known as the Mexican Pipeline.. We linked up for a photo session after devouring a massive butterflied fish, rice and beans at a great little spot about 15 min. south of the Acapulco beach named Playa Bonfil. It was my second trip to this area and what an experience it was! All the Best to you Angelo I’ll see you in the water !!  Island Life Studio South? Claro Que Si!


Ciao Bella Musica Bela

Viva Veracruz & Viva Puerto EscondidoMusings from and about living in Mexico

Ciao Bella Musica Bela

Many people ask “What is your favorite music? What artists or CD’s do you recommend?”
I ask you, “Do you like rock, jazz, fusion, blues, or bluegrass?”
OK then have you heard anything from Bela Fleck and the Flecktones? Probably not.
If you are a fan of any of the aforementioned musical genres then “Bela Fleck Live Art” is a must for any music collection.

Even if you are not necessarily a fan of those categories of music, if you are looking for one of the best  CD’s for a sound system testing – take this one to your next music system audition and CRANK IT UP!
Bela and the Flectones is a trio (often plus friends) that includes arguably the best bass player on the planet Victor Wooten. There are not enough superlatives to cover the amazing talent of Wooten. He is a Grammy award winner and has been voted “Bass Player of the Year” fromBass Player magazine three times consecutively. The first person to win the award more than once. “Amazing Grace” played by solo bass is absolutely amazing!
Wooten’s  brother Roy AKA `Future Man’ plays the Drumitar (a combination of a Synthesizer, Drum Machine and a Guitar) and Bela Fleck, plays the Banjo.
Roy “Future Man” Wooten on the Drumitar

Chick Corea, Branford Marsalis, Jerry Douglas, Edgar Meyer, Paul McCandless, Bush and others also make guest appearances on these 21 tunes
If you like the “Live Art” CD you might want to add “Bela Fleck & The Flecktones – Greatest Hits Of The 20th Century” Another two CD offering with some great music.
If you could only buy ONE CD (set) this would be it. This is GREAT music. You SHOULD be listening to it. Stay Tuned!

Retired professional couple. Fit and in excellent health. Love pets. Looking to care for your home as our own.

46 - 55 years
Jun 30,2012
retired management consultant
3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

We are an active, very athletic, non-smoking retired professional couple in our early fifties.
Lots of experience in caring for dogs and cats. Experience in housesitting. Both keen gardeners and very handy around the house.
We are responsible people who will treat your home with the utmost respect. We're available year round and are hoping that house/pet sitting will enable us to experience other countries, cultures and lifestyles.
Trustworthy with Government of Canada Secret security clearance and current police checks.

Pacific Coast Mexico / Puerto Escondido Date taken - Wed 27th Jun '12 (8:00am)

 Pacific Coast Mexico / Puerto Escondido

Date taken - Wed 27th Jun '12 (8:00am)

Playa Zipolite. Please Help! ... I did, ivan